Operation Classes
The ESIOperationPBORenderer class extends the abstract base class BasicESIRenderer, thereby inheriting the capabilities of the BasicESIRenderer class. The ESIOperationPBORenderer class is intended to be extended by customizers. It has several attributes that are accessible to subclasses in the read-only mode. The attributes have protected getter methods. As the renderer state is expected to be established by the setData() method, the attributes do not have setter methods.
The ESIOperationPBORenderer class is instantiated and used
1. upon changing life cycle state of the operation specified in preference Operation Configuration Specification States.
2. by an ESIWTChangeOrder2Renderer instance when the change notice being rendered has an operation associated to it.
3. by an ESIPromotionRequestRenderer instance when the promotion request being rendered holds an operation as a promotable.
Refer to the Windchill release specific Java Documentation for more details on available attributes and methods in the class.
BasicESIRenderer is the abstract class implementing the interface ESIRenderer. For more information, see BasicESIRenderer.
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