Typical Publisher Queue Management Operations
The following list shows typical Publisher Queue management operations that a system manager might need to perform:
• Deleting any WVS queue entries, including entries that are ready or executing, from the High, Medium, and Low queues and the number queues.
◦ For ready or completed jobs, use either the WVS Job Monitor or the Windchill Queue Management Utility to perform this operation.
◦ For jobs being executed, use the Windchill Queue Management Utility to perform this operation.
• Stopping any WVS processing queue, even if there is an executing entry. Stopping a High, Medium, or Low queue puts the current executing entry back to the ready state. Stopping a numbered WVS queue allows the current executing job to finish.
Use the Windchill Queue Management Utility to perform this operation.
• Disabling any WVS processing queue, even if there is an executing entry.
◦ Disabling a High, Medium, or Low queue puts the current executing entry back to the ready state.
◦ Disabling a numbered WVS queue allows the current executing job to finish.
Use the Windchill Queue Management Utility to perform this operation.
• Deleting a READY job with the lowest queue position in each of the High, Medium, or Low queue. Users and administrators can perform this task from the WVS Job Monitor.