Reference Documents for Translation
Include Only Required Dependents
A compound document in a structure can contain documents that are linked by member links and reference links. However, you can exclude reference documents from a translation package. The com.ptc.tml.OnlyRequiredDependents property controls the inclusion or exclusion of reference documents when creating a translation package.
The com.ptc.tml.OnlyRequiredDependents property is located in /Windchill/codebase/com/ptc/tml/xconf/tml.xconf. When set to false,which is the default, reference documents are included in a translation package. When set to true, the translation package excludes the documents that are associated by reference links and includes documents with member links only.
If the translation package excludes the documents that are linked by reference links, the XML content will refer to the source language version of the referenced topic. The exception to this is when the referenced document is present in the structure that is being translated.
Let us consider the following scenario.
A publication structure contains Document A and Document B. Document A is linked to Document B by a reference link. When Document A is translated as part of the publication structure, Document A is updated to refer to the translated version of Document B. If Document A is translated independent of the publication structure, it is not updated to refer to the translated version of Document B.
When the property is set to true, reference documents are not included in the Translation Content table.
Exclude Related Links Based on Configuration Specification
A compound document in a structure can contain documents that are linked by member links and reference links. However, you can exclude documents linked by reference and member links from a translation package.
The com.ptc.tml.skipRelatedLinksBasedOnConfigSpec property controls the inclusion or exclusion of documents linked by reference and member links when creating a translation package.
The com.ptc.tml.skipRelatedLinksBasedOnConfigSpec is set to false, which is the default, the translation will fail if the document does not meet the configuration specification. For example, any of the member links or reference links are not included in the baseline.
If this property is set to true and any of the member links or reference links does not meet the configuration specification, the respective reference and member documents are not included in the translation package. The translation package creation will succeed with a warning containing the details of the skipped member links and reference links.
The default behavior of this property is the recommended behavior. If you set this property to true, ensure that the baselines are set appropriately.
Consider the following scenario:
Topic 1 has references to topics 2 and 3.
Book A has topic 1 and 2.
Book B has topic 1 and 3.
When this property is set to true, using the baseline as a filter, the translation package creation for Books A and B will pass with a warning containing the details of the missing topic. When this property is set to false, the translation package creation for Books A and B will fail.
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