Selective Access to Monitoring Pages
By default, only the Site Administrator has access to the Monitoring Tools pages. You can, however, choose to extend access to some or all of these pages beyond Site Administrators. You have the capability to:
1. Grant specific individuals full access to all Monitoring Tools pages.
By listing them in the wt.util.jmx.AccessUtil.siteAdministrators entry in
2. Provide more limited, selective Monitoring Tools page access to another set of users
These users can access Log Levels, Log Comment, Log File Viewer, Persisted Log Events, Log Event Histogram, Method Context and Servlet Request Samples, Top SQL Sample Intervals and the Monitoring Tools pages.
These users cannot change levels of PTC loggers.
To enable this level of access:
For all Windchill organization administrators – Set the value of wt.util.jmx.AccessUtil.ignoreOrgAdmins in the file to false. This is not the default value of the property and thus by default organization administrators are not given this level of access.
To a specific individual – Add the user in the wt.util.jmx.AccessUtil.siteMonitors entry in file.
For more details, see Using the Log File Viewer Page.
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