Additional Capabilities > Manufacturing Process Management > Windchill MPMLink Overview > Key Points About License in Windchill MPMLink
Key Points About License in Windchill MPMLink
The following actions are removed from the PTC Manufacturing License:
Open in BOM Transformer
Open in BOM Transformer with Context
Open in Service Associative Part Structure Browser
Import from Spreadsheet
Export Importable Spreadsheet
Resolve Consumption Discrepancies
Generate Downstream Structure
Assign Plant
Extended Data and Department Data table actions
Only those users who are a member of the PTC MPMLink Module License, PTC Manufacturing License, or PTC BOM Transformation License profile have access to the Assign Plant action. For more information, see Assigning Plants to Objects.
The Open in Process Plan Browser action is linked to only PTC Manufacturing License profile. For more information, see Opening a Routing Plan in the Process Plan Browser.
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