Generated Process Plan Structure
The generic mBOM, GenMBOM, is associated with the generic process plan, GenPP. The generic mBOM has two variant mBOMs, VarMBOM1 and VarMBOM2 with the variant specifications, VarSpec=1 and VarSpec=2, respectively.
In GenPP, the operations, Op10 and Op20 are associated with documents and tools through variant specifications, which are used to define the structure of a generated process plan. The operations, associations, allocations, and attributes are carried forward from a generic process plan and variant mBOM based on the variant specifications.
Two generated process plans are created—VarPP1 and VarPP2, one for each variant mBOM.
VarPP1 (GenPP + VarMBOM1) Structure:
Objects carried forward from GenPP:
Op10 and Op20 are carried forward to VarPP1 as there is no logic defined for these operations.
Op30 is carried forward to VarPP1 as the variant specification associated with VarMBOM1 is VarSpec=1.
Only Document1 and Tool1 are carried forward to VarPP1 as the variant specification associated with VarMBOM1 is VarSpec=1.
The work center, WorkCenter1, is carried forward to VarPP1 as there is no logic defined for it.
Objects carried forward from VarMBOM1:
Child1 is allocated to the operation, Op10 in GenPP. So the equivalent mBOM variant VChild1 is allocated to the operation, V1Op10 in VarPP1.
Similarly, the equivalent mBOM variant of Child2, VChild2, is allocated to the operation, V1Op20.
VarPP2 (GenPP + VarMBOM2) Structure:
Objects carried forward from GenPP:
Op10 and Op20 are carried forward to VarPP2 as there is no logic defined for these operations.
Op40 is carried forward to VarPP2 as the variant specification associated with VarMBOM2 is VarSpec=2.
Only Document2 and Tool2 are carried forward to VarPP2 as the variant specification associated with VarMBOM2 is VarSpec=2.
The work center, WorkCenter1, is carried forward to VarPP2 as there is no logic defined for it.
Objects carried forward from VarMBOM2:
Child1 is allocated to the operation, Op10 in GenPP. So the equivalent mBOM variant VChild1 is allocated to the operation, V2Op10 in VarPP2.
Similarly, the equivalent mBOM variant of Child3, VChild3, is allocated to the operation, V2Op20.
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