Control Characteristics Tab
In a process, part, assembly, or system, standard control characteristics are any functional features, geometrical or material properties, that can be qualified, measured, or quantified and for which variation or deviation control is necessary.
Use the Control Characteristics tab to view and add standard control characteristics, as well as manage the resources allocated to a standard control characteristic. Different options are available, depending on the object selected in the structure pane:
If a part or process plan is selected then use this tab to create standard control characteristics
If an operation is selected then use this tab to allocate standard control characteristics and resources to other control characteristics
Available Actions
The following table explains the actions available from the toolbar on this tab:
Control Characteristics Task Toolbar
Insert Existing
Adds an existing standard control characteristic.
Insert New
Adds a new standard control characteristic.
Remove Standard Control Characteristic
Removes the selected standard control characteristic from the part or operation to which it was allocated.
Copy Standard Control Characteristic
Copies the selected standard control characteristic to the clipboard.
Moves the standard control characteristic on the clipboard to the designated location.
Duplicate and Paste Control Characteristic
Duplicates and moves the standard control characteristic on the clipboard to the designated location. When you use this action, the system creates a new standard control characteristic with a unique number.
Assign Control Characteristic from Product
Fetches all the standard control characteristics from the allocated part and the related part.
Assign Control Characteristic from Process
Fetches all the model item from the attached EPM document.
Update Model Item
Searches for and selects a new model item that is to be associated with the standard control characteristic.
Find my checkouts in structure
Fetches all the checked out standard control characteristics. For more information see, My Checkouts in MPMLink
Attributes in Control Characteristics Tab 
The following attributes are present in the Control Characteristics tab:
Model Item Graphical Representation
Part Name
Part Name displays the name of the part to which the standard control characteristic is associated.
Using the process plan browser to create a standard control characteristic allows you to associate a standard control characteristic with the process plan or a related part that exists in a different view that you do not have modify rights to. If a standard control characteristic is created without a model item relationship, then it belongs to the process plan. A standard control characteristic created from a process plan belongs only to the related part when the selected model item comes from the related part.
A standard control characteristic can be linked multiple times to a same or different operation.
Using the Duplicate and Paste Control Characteristic Action 
The Duplicate and Paste Control Characteristic action duplicates and moves the standard control characteristic on the clipboard to the designated location. Consider the following points related to this action:
When you copy standard control characteristics from an operation to the same or another operation, the following usage link attributes are also copied by the system:
Standard Control Characteristic Usage to Document Describe Link
Standard Control Characteristic Usage to Process Plan Link
Standard Control Characteristic Usage to Resource Link
You can copy and duplicate standard control characteristics from an operation to the same or another operation. You can use the Copy Standard Control Characteristic action to copy and Duplicate and Paste Control Characteristic action to duplicate the standard control characteristics. When you copy and duplicate standard control characteristics from an operation to the same or another operation, the Manufacturing Operation to Standard Control Characteristic Link attributes are copied by the system.
When you copy and duplicate standard control characteristics from an operation to the same or another operation, the system retains the following information:
Standard control characteristics information
Information on the usage link
Links to documents and resources
When you use the Duplicate and Paste Control Characteristic action, the system creates a standard control characteristic using the copied standard control characteristic. The newly created standard control characteristic has a new Number.
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