About Moving a Version
A versioning scheme defines the labels, or identifiers, that are automatically applied when object versions are created. For example, the versioning scheme determines whether the version identifiers are integers, alphabetic characters, or some combination of both integers and characters.
When versions of an object are moved from one context to another, the versioning scheme for those versions will not change. The history of the object and all of its versions and iterations are preserved during the Move action.
If your site displays folder domains, note that when you move an object iteration to a folder with a different domain, all iterations of the version are reassigned to the domain associated with the destination folder. A domain is an administrative area that defines a set of administrative policies, such as access control, indexing, and notification. Folders associated with a domain are subject to its policies.
Versions and Teams
When an object version is moved from one context to another, the team associated with the object version will be moved as well, provided that the template used to create the team is managed at an organization or site level. If the team template is managed at a product or library level, then the object cannot be moved to a different product or library, and you will receive a non-overridable conflict when you attempt to move it. When an object that has been moved is revised, then the new version is assigned a team based on the policies and rules for the context.
Controlling Properties
To enable the functionality, set the following properties to “true” in the wt.properties file:
Provides the ability to enable moving the part view versions into separate containers when the value is set to true. The part master always remains in the same context as the most upstream view version.
The default value is false.
Controls whether objects with an owning organization automatically match the target context owning organization when the object, more specifically this is often the object master, is moved to a new context by a user with appropriate permissions.
The default value is false, meaning the owning organization is not derived from the target context.
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