SPR Fixes in Windchill REST Services 2.7
This section lists the SPRs that were fixed in Windchill REST Services 2.7.
Customer SPRs
This section lists the customer SPRs that were fixed.
The REST endpoint, GET /PTC.SavedSearch.ExecuteSavedSearch() does not return the same results in WRS as a saved search executed in the Windchill ( UI returns.
WRS does not return a clear error message when using the REST API, ExecuteReportTemplate with an unsupported Operator specified in the request body.
Navigating to various domains in the OData REST APIs documentation throws multiple errors such as "operation does not have binding parameter".
The REST API request, /ProdMgmt/Parts('<PartOID>')/MadeFromLink?$count=false returns the HTTP status code 400 along with the following error message: "Impossible to invoke the method com.ptc.windchill.mpml.rest.WRSCalls.getRawMaterialLinks".
Navigating to v5 or v6 of the ChangeMgmt domain in the OData REST APIs documentation throws errors: "Multiple matching entity configs found for parent config".
The nested expand returns an empty result if the first expand is a typecast.
Unable to query the OData objects with names that contain special characters when the "PTC-WildcardSearch" header is set to true.
The REST API, /PrincipalMgmt/Groups('<GroupOID>')/Users returns disconnected users along with the active users in the Windchill system.
The REST API, GetPartStructure throws "NotAuthorizedException" error.
When a value is not assigned to a multi-valued attribute on a document, using the GET request returns a null value in the array. The customer needs to know why the result is null instead of an empty array ([]).
The REST API request that returns a list of all parts in Windchill, along with parts that are of the subtype configured in Windchill, is returning incorrect count for the entity set.
When using the REST API request, /MfgProcMgmt/Operations?$select=StandardCCLinks&$filter=Number eq 'XX'&$count=false&$expand=StandardCCLinks($expand=StandardCC,PartReference($select=Name,Number)) the Reference parts for the associated StandardCCLinks are not correctly retrieved for operations in Windchill MPMLink.
A search performed on any object type specified for exporting in the BAC Management domain returns an error.
Change objects in Windchill REST Services do not expose the "latest" attribute. Customers want to be able to filter on change objects with latest revision when change modification tracking is enabled.
When calling ODATA Windchill REST Services from Thingworx it fails in “IntegrationRuntime” with the following error: "wt.access.NotAuthorizedException: The provided user "xyz" must be an administrator."
The $top query is ignored when using it on the OOTB OData REST API, POST /ReportTemplates('{ReportTemplateId}')/PTC.Reporting.ExecuteReportTemplate.
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