Updating the Links Between a Workstation and Localized Operations
You can update the links between a workstation and the localized operations in a routing plan, which is linked to a process plan and a plant. You can update the links by specifying the source workstation OID, one or more localized operation OIDs, and the target workstation OID in the request body.
The localized operations specified are from the source workstation in a plant from which you want to reallocate the operations to the target workstation in the plant.
A source workstation can be a zone, work unit, work cell, or feeder line.
Example: Updating the Links Between a Workstation and Multiple Localized Operations
The following example shows you how to update the links between a workstation and three localized operations specified in the request body. This example shows you how to reallocate the localized operations from a source workstation in Line 1 of a plant to another (target) workstation in Line 1 of the same plant. Use the following POST URI with the request body.
POST /Windchill/servlet/odata/MfgProcMgmt/RoutingPlans('OR:wt.mpm.routing.WCRoutingPlan:275751')/PTC.MfgProcMgmt.RelocalizeOperations
Request Headers
Content-Type: application/json
CSRF_NONCE: <Use the value from Fetch NONCE example>
Request Body
"sourceResource": {
"ID": "OR:com.ptc.windchill.mpml.resource.MPMWorkCenter:200180"
"targetResource": {
"ID": "OR:com.ptc.windchill.mpml.resource.MPMWorkCenter:201747"
"operations": [
"ID": "OR:com.ptc.windchill.mpml.processplan.operation.MPMOperation:201462"
"ID": "OR:com.ptc.windchill.mpml.processplan.operation.MPMOperation:201463"
"ID": "OR:com.ptc.windchill.mpml.processplan.operation.MPMOperation:201464"
The request reallocates the three operations from the source workstation to the target workstation.
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