Retrieving Folder Contents with some Attributes of a Specific Type
This example shows you how to retrieve folder contents of a specific type of entity with selected attributes in the response. Note that $select, $filter, $orderby, $expand will work only with type-casting.
Use the following GET request to get CAD Documents in a folder, with a few attributes in response.
GET /Windchill/servlet/odata/v4/DataAdmin/Containers('OR%3Awt.pdmlink.PDMLinkProduct%3A90537')/Folders('OR%3Awt.folder.Cabinet%3A90566')/FolderContents/PTC.CADDocumentMgmt.CADDocument?$select=Name,FileName HTTP/1.1
Use the following GET request to get CAD Documents in a Folder, with few attributes and the versions expanded
GET /Windchill/servlet/odata/v4/DataAdmin/Containers('OR%3Awt.pdmlink.PDMLinkProduct%3A90537')/Folders('OR%3Awt.folder.Cabinet%3A90566')/FolderContents/PTC.CADDocumentMgmt.CADDocument?$select=Name,FileName&$expand=Versions($select=Version) HTTP/1.1
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