The PasteSpecial action validates the information that is copied on the upstream parts and pastes the information to the specified downstream part. The action pastes the information based on the configuration you specify in the automatic BOM transformation template. You can add the copied parts using inline or specific upstream and downstream navigation criteria.
You can also copy and paste using PasteSpecial in the context of change (change task or change notice).
The action is not available in the Occurrence mode.
See the Configuring and Customizing Automatic BOM Transformation topic in the Windchill Help Center, for more information.
The attributes in the request payload of the PasteSpecial action are described in the following table:
Request Attribute
Attribute in the DiscrepancyContext entity type to specify the root part of the upstream structure.
Attribute in the DiscrepancyContext entity type to specify the parent Part from the upstream structure.
Alternatively, you can specify the Path of the parent part.
SourcePartSelection is a collection for specifying either a single or multiple parent parts or their paths from an upstream structure.
Attribute in the DiscrepancyContext entity type to specify the navigation criteria applied in the upstream.
Attribute in the DiscrepancyContext entity type to specify the navigation criteria applied in the downstream.
PTC recommends that you specify the navigation criteria when you perform this action.
If not specified, the System Default filter is applied.
Attribute in the DiscrepancyContext entity type to specify the root part of the downstream structure.
Attribute in the DiscrepancyContext entity type to specify the downstream part to which you want to paste the copied parts.
Alternatively, you can specify the path of the downstream part, that is, TargetPath to which you want to paste the copied parts.
Attribute to specify the change task or change notice.
The request adds each specified upstream part as a new part under the specified downstream part based on the configuration in the automatic BOM transformation template. The request creates new equivalence links between the downstream BOM and the upstream BOM.
POST Windchill/servlet/odata/BomTransformation/PasteSpecial
For example, the response to the request URI is as follows:
"@odata.context": "$metadata#EquivalentUsageAssociations",
"value": [
"UpstreamPartId": "OR:wt.part.WTPart:189986",
"DownstreamPartId": "OR:wt.part.WTPart:189986",
"EquivalenceLinkId": "OR:wt.associativity.EquivalenceLink:190604",
"UsageLinkId": "OR:wt.part.WTPartUsageLink:190605"
"@PTC.AppliedContainerContext.LocalTimeZone": "Europe/Warsaw"
The attributes in the response for the PasteSpecial action are described in the following table:
Response Attribute
Attribute in a collection that returns the ID of the upstream part which was copied.
Attribute in a collection that returns the ID of the downstream equivalent part.
Attribute in a collection that returns the ID of the equivalence link between the upstream part and the downstream equivalent part.
Attribute in a collection that returns the ID of the usage link between the downstream target part and the added downstream part.
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