Updating Security Labels for Multiple Documents
You can update security label attributes of single or multiple objects by specifying the object OIDs and the security label attributes in the request body. To update security label attributes, you must have Modify permissions to the security label.
This example shows you how to update security label attributes for two document objects specified in the request body. This example shows you how to update the security label attributes on the specified documents using the unbound action EditDocumentsSecurityLabels, which is automatically available in the EDM of the Documents entity. Use the following POST URI with the request body.
POST /Windchill/servlet/odata/DocMgmt/EditDocumentsSecurityLabels
Request Headers
Content-Type: application/json
CSRF_NONCE: <Use the value from Fetch NONCE example>
Request Body
"Documents": [
"ID": "OR:wt.doc.WTDocument:206604",
"SLAttribute1": "secret1",
"SLAttribute2": "secret2"
"ID": "OR:wt.doc.WTDocument:206605",
"SLAttribute1": "secret3",
"SLAttribute2": "secret4"
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