Sending e-mail to a group alias after uploading the response data to an FTP server
This requires performing the steps outlined in the following sections.
Create a custom I*E task for sending e-mail after uploadingthe response data
◦ Create a copy of the file
<Windchill>/tasks/com/ptc/windchill/esi/export/ExportToFTP.xml in
◦ Open the file in your preferred editor and make changes to it as outlined below:
▪ Open the file in your preferred editor and make changes to it as outlined below:
▪ Add the following code snippet before invoking the Send-Mail webject:
WTProperties properties = WTProperties.getLocalProperties(); setParam("MAIL_SERVER", properties.getProperty("wt.mail.mailhost"));
▪ Add the following after the Write-To-Ftp webject invocation:
<ie:webject name="Send-Mail" type="MSG">
<ie:param name="MAIL_SERVER" data="${@FORM[]MAIL_SERVER[0]}" />
<ie:param name="TO" data="" />
<ie:param name="FROM" data="${@FORM[]MAIL_FROM_ADDRESS[0]}"/>
<ie:param name="SUBJECT" data="Upload is successful for transaction
${@FORM[]TransactionID[0]}" />
<ie:param name="CONTENT" data="The ESI response data in XML form for transaction ${@FORM[]TransactionID[0]} was uploaded to the FTP server successfully."/>
<ie:param name="GROUP_OUT" data="${@FORM[]group_out[0]}" default="output"
Define an FTP type distribution target to send e-mail to
◦ Use the Manage Distribution UI to create a distribution target
▪ Select FTP as the type of target.
▪ Specify values for the Number, Name, Description and other required attributes of the target.
▪ Change the value of the taskURI attribute to com/ptc/windchill/esi/export/ExportToFTPEx.xml
▪ Click Finish to save the distribution target.
◦ Associate the above created distribution target to a business object (such as a part) and release it. This will result in an e-mail being sent to the specified address ( soon after the response data is uploaded to the FTP server