Check In Operation Preferences
The following table describes the preferences for the Check In action, exclusive of the Check In Operation > Collection preferences which are listed in a subsequent table.
Auto Associate upon Check In
No (default)
Controls the default behavior whether to perform Auto Associate for objects that do not have associated parts. If set to "Yes," associated parts are created.
Conflict for Out of date Secondary content upon Check In
Yes (default)
Controls the default behavior whether to provide overridable conflict to the user when secondary content is considered out of date. If set to "Yes," an overridable conflict is provided.
Create As Stored
Yes (default)
If set to "Yes," specifies to create an As Stored configuration upon Check In.
Create Baseline upon Check In
No (default)
Controls the default behavior whether to create baseline upon Check In. If set to "Yes," a baseline is created.
ModelCHECK Configuration
Default: check/default_checks .mch,start/nostart.mcs, constant/inch.mcn
Basic: check/default_checks.mch, start/nostart.mcs, constant/inch.mcn
Release: check/default_checks.mch, start/nostart.mcs, constant/inch.mcn
Approval: check/default_checks .mch,start/nostart.mcs, constant/inch.mcn
Review: check/default_checks .mch,start/nostart.mcs, constant/inch.mcn
Specifies ModelCHECK Configuration files to be used for validation for each LifeCycle state in a specific syntax (for example, :,, : ,, ..... ). The configuration specified by "Default" LifeCycle State is default behavior.
Default:check/default_checks .mch,start/nostart.mcs, constant/inch.mcn
Basic:check/default_checks. mch,start/nostart.mcs, constant/inch.mcn
Release:check/default_ checks. mch,start/nostart.mcs ,constant/inch.mcn
Approval:check/default_ checks.mch,start/nostart. mcs,constant/inch.mcn
Review:check/default_ checks.mch,start/nostart. mcs,constant/ inch.mcn
ModelCHECK Mode
Interactive (Default)
Regenerate Implicit
Regenerate Always
Specifies ModelCHECK mode allowed for model to be validated. Default is Interactive.
ModelCHECK Number of Errors
(default = 0)
Specifies the maximum number of ModelCHECK errors allowed
ModelCHECK Number of Hours
(default = 24)
Specifies the maximum allowable hours between a ModelCHECK verification at the client and the actual model checkin to Windchill. The default is 24.
ModelCHECK Validation
No (default)
Specifies whether ModelCHECK validation is performed at Check In. If set to "Yes," validation is performed.
Remove objects from Workspace after Check In
No (default)
Controls the default behavior whether to remove all objects from Workspace after Check in is completed. All objects include objects being checked in and not being checked in.
Resolve Incomplete Objects
No (default)
Controls the default behavior whether to resolve incomplete objects automatically upon Check In.
Undo Check Out objects after Check In
No (default)
Controls the default behavior whether to perform Undo Check Out after a checkin is completed on objects that have been checked out but not modified.
Update Incomplete Objects on Server
Yes (default)
Controls the default behavior whether to update incomplete objects on server upon resolving incomplete objects during Check In. This option has no effect unless "Resolve Incomplete Objects" option is turned on through preferences or Check In page.
Workspace Check-in Default Comment
Specifies the default check-in comment to be added when you add a CAD document from a workspace if no comment is provided during the check-in action.
The Check In category also has a subcategory for setting collection defaults. For more information, see Collection-related Preferences for Actions.
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