XML Files
The ESISendResponse XML file is small and not very complex. There is a element for specifying TransactionNumber in it.
The TransactionNumber field is the unique identifier of the transaction that is passed to the EAI Software components from Windchill. The ESIPostResult messages that are sent back to Windchill will be written using this field. The developer should change this field for each test run. Simulation module will read correcponding ESIResponseUserA_<TransactionNumber>.xml file from ESIDirectory and sends it to ESIdataresponse JMS queue.
The ESIResponse file is the file that contains all of the business data that the EAI Windchill Simulation module will send over the com.ptc.windchill.esi.DataResponse.<SAPInstance>.<SAPClient> JMS queue for publication to SAP. The developer should populate this file with business data bound for SAP, according to the ESIResponse schema.
The file contains several optional and repeating structures for data, organized by action (Added, Deleted, Changed, and Unchanged) and by object (CN, Part, Document, BOM, BOMComponent, BOMSubstitute, etc).
Examples of this file may be found in the Appendix.
Modify this file with great care. Its unparsed XML tags can make editing tricky and any small error will cause the parser to error.
This file is read and sent back to TIBCO BusinessWorks on the temporary JMS queue created on the fly by JMS Queue requestor activity upon receipt of an ESIPostResult message.
Because the EAI Windchill Simulation module does not process information, it assumes that independent of the contents of ESIPostEvent and ESIPostResult files it receives, a successful ESIResultResponse should be sent back to the EAI software components. For this reason the ESIResultResponse.xml file remains static and a user may use the example provided in the Appendix without modification.
ESIPostResult files
The EAI Windchill Simulation module can write any ESIPostResult files it receives from TIBCO BusinessWorks to a file. Each ESIPostResult is written to a file with the following name:
<PostResult>_<Transaction ID>_<Object>_<Action>_<TargetID>.xml
For example:
PostResult_ 101_TST_PART_01_CREATE_TGT1.xml
To enable or disable writing of these files, modify the global variable ESISTUBWriteResultsToFile as specified in the next section of this document. The directory to which the files are written is configurable by changing the value of the global variable ESIDirectory.