Publish Enterprise Data to SAP
In ERP systems Part and assembly are two separate objects. Assembly objects refer part objects for part attributes. They contain only structure and usage information for the assembly. In Windchill, so far we used same WTPart object to represent both core and assembly attributes.
Windchill WTPart can be associated with Enterprise data to separate WTPart and Assembly changes. Core attributes in WTPart are moved to Enterprise Data object. Assembly iteration and changes in structure are managed with WTPart object. Hence part revision will represent assembly revision and Enterprise Data revision will represent revision of core part attributes.
Please make sure that enterprise data functionality is enable in windchill and create a part with common enterprise data and plant specific enterprise data. CommonEnterpriseData and PlantSpecificEnterpriseData are two extensions of enterprise data object. MaterialGroup is an attribute on CommonEnterpriseData and Storage location is an attribute on PlantSpecificEnterpriseData.
Following preferences are to be set to ‘ Yes’ value to enable rendering Enterprise data objects to end system. Their default value is ‘ No’ .
Publish ERP Material Information
Publish Plant Specific Attributes
Open the part in Manufacturing Associative Part Structure Browser (MAPSB). Set appropriate values for Material Group and Storage location. Associate SAP type DT and Choose ‘ Send to DT’ action. Confirm in Preview tab that Enterprise Data attributes and object are displayed. Send this part to DT and confirm in ERP. Part would be created but without enterprise data attributes.
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