Migrating customizations from TIBCO BW2.x to BW5.x
1. To migrate your customization from BW2.x to BW5.x, please refer to the "tib_ae5_features_migration.pdf" from TIBCO. You may choose to follow the steps listed in this guide.
2. A table below gives you a list of sample errors and suggested solutions.
Sample errors and suggested solutions:
Error/Warning Message
Suggested Solution
Subject Validation Failed: The subject '%%Domain%%.%%Deployment%%.adorapps.MasterConfiguratio n.EnggChangeOrder.%%ESIORA Datasource%%' contains illegal characters.
Tibco seems not to support subjects ending with "." In this case the last part in subject was a gobal variable "%%ESIORADatasource%%". As its value was blank, validation error occurred.
It may be better to have some value in it. If value is blank, deployment configuration will not generate the global variable in deployment config file. At the time of deployment, one can change this global variable through administrator.
AEADB-800006: Warning: This adapter version does not support the connection retry feature. The values configured in the Run-time Connection tab will be ignored.
This error mainly occurs if Designer refers to Old version AESchema 4.0.
Go to "Active Database Adapter Configuration", In Configuration tab, click button called "Change Version". Set the AESchema version to 5.0. Revalidate the project & this error may get solved.
Subject Validation Failed: No subject defined.
</ADB/MasterConfiguration.adb# producer.TIBLog_cm_publisher_ ECN>
Check if in the given configuration, "ReplySubject" button is blank. Add the ReplySubject.
For example, In our adbMasterConfigurationrvcmRvC mSession there are four nodes for TIBLog_cm_publisher_ECN, TIBLog_cm_publisher, TIBLog_cm_publisher_Item, TIBLog_cm_publisher_BOM. In configuration of each of these "ReplySubject" was blank, we added the reply subject & the error is solved.
Java Class compilation errors
Java Class-Error
Include Jars in classpath
</ProcessDefinitions/DataProcess ing/EMS_ESIEvent_TransactionR elease_End_PD.process#activity. CallProcess_ErrorHandlingServic e_UnhandledandOverall> Mapping Error: BWENGINE- 100041 Mapping Error
CheckpointM apping-Error
Delete the input node of checkpoint & click RESET tab again. This is because XSLT for this changed in 5.2, so the node name is also changed.
Warning message
The term element code is required but not generated in all cases of choose
e.g. /ProcessDefinitions/WindchillCo mmunication/Start_ESIEvent_Pub EMS_ESIRequest_PD process, EMSSender_ESIDataRequest_Da taRequest activity, Body(Choose)
This warning is becasue the "Choose" condition is "When" but not "Otherwise".
Either add "Otherwise" to this "When" OR replace the "When" with "If" condition.
Error Message
No Matching xmlOutput element
Location : WCResult_Service process, EMSSend_Result_ESIPostResult_ESIPostEvent activity
In 5.2 BW, output of the activity "TransformXML" is under node "xmlBytes". Initially it was directly under "ActivityName".
To solve this, change redo the mappings.
Warning message
Can generate more than the expected output of "AssociatedObjectEffectivity"
This is basically a Business Rule driven mapping. But the rule in Xpath may generate more than 1 "AssociatedObjectEffectivity" elements, hence designer says there is a potential of error.
Either we can ignore this & check the behaviour at runtime & if needed can change the XPath expression considering the business rule.
Error Message
Invalid Reference /SeanBuild/SharedResources/Sc hemas/ESIGetPart.xsd
An old xsd file may have incorrect reference to this xsd. Please correct the reference.
Error Message
Runtime Global Variable Definition "InstanceId" defined in the project
Check if the variable name is a reserved word in TIBCO. Rename the variable.
Warning Message
Transition condition Xpath has an error
Location : Start_ESIEvent_PubEMS_ESIRe quest_PD process, Start_ESIEvent2transition2Mappe r_ESIEvent_ESIRequest_GetPart( transition)
There is already a "Fix" given in the Xpath Formula Builder, so just click Fix button and it will be fixed by Designer.
Such errors may occur due to AESchema changes, if any. The XSLT changes in the background and hence designer will provide a fix on its own.
Error Message :
Input data invalid at com.tibco.pe.core.TaskImpl.eval( TaskImpl.java:372)
at com.tibco.pe.core.Job.a(Job.java: 660)
at com.tibco.pe.core.Job.k(Job.java: 460)
at com.tibco.pe.core.JobDispatcher$ JobCourier.a(JobDispatcher.java: 249)
at com.tibco.pe.core.JobDispatcher$ JobCourier.run(JobDispatcher.jav a:200)
caused by: org.xml.sax.SAXException: com.tibco.xml.xquery.ExprExcept ion: Unparseable date: "2005-08- 01T14:24:11.715-05:00"
com.tibco.xml.xquery.ExprExcept ion: Unparseable date: "2005-08- 01T14:24:11.715-05:00"
"current-date-time()" function in Tibco 2.x designer did not return TimeZone. But in 5.2 designer, it returns the TimeZone also. So one may change the Xpath like this : current-dateTime() to tib:substring-before-last( current-dateTime(),tib:get- timezone-from- dateTime(current-dateTime()) )
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