Lookup properties
Location: <TIBCO_HOME>/esi/bin/ESIORALookup.properties.
Following are the list of lookup properties to have cross-referencing of the Windchill values and providing Oracle Apps specific values. For e.g. If Windchill sends the Buyer value as “Baker” but Oracle Apps expects Buyer ID which is “4760” for “Baker”.
For e.g. BUYERID.Baker.*.* = 4760, In our example we used ESIDataProcessing:GetLookup custom java function (the source code is available at <TIBCO_HOME>/esi/source/ESIDataProcessing.java) which expects 4 arguments and creates a search string using these 4 arguments. For e.g. if we pass ESIDataProcessing:GetLookup(“BUYERID”, “Baker”,”PTC_VISION”, “en_US”) then the function will join all the 4 arguments as “BUYERID.Baker.PTC_VISION.en_US” and try to search the value for this entry into the ESIORALookup.properties file. If entry is not found then it creates a string using first 2 arguments and the last 2 arguments are taken as “*.*” as there is no specific entry for “System” and “Locale” value. Thus it will try to search using “BUYERID.Baker.*.*” entry and will find the value as “4760”.
If you have the values specific to the ERP instance (in case of multiple Oracle Apps instances) then you can use the lookup in following format:
Where “PTC_VISION” and “ORAENG” are the instance name and “en_US” is the locale. “BUYERID” is the informative title to understand what is being looked-up.
“Baker” is the value from Windchill and need to be converted to ERP specific value. In this example if Windchill send the value “Baker” then the value “4760” needs to be passed to Oracle apps and so on.
Planner_Code.Smith.*.*=J. Smith
Planner_Code.Hines.*.*=R. Hines
Planner_Code.Peter.*.*=S. Peters
Planner_Code.Baker.*.*=C. Baker
Planner_Code.Horton.*.*=C. Horton