This is a file that simulates the ESIResultResponse generated by Windchill. It is read by the EAI Windchill Simulation module as a text file and sent over JMS without any validation.
The first few elements of the file are the required SOAP elements. The data is contained within the first Collection element. The > corresponds to the "greater than" symbol (>) and < corresponds to the "less than" symbol (<). This notation is due to how Info*Engine processes the XML before it is sent to the EAI software components. Info*Engine does not trust that the contents of the XML do not contain any greater-than or less-than symbols. Thus, it writes XML tags without greater-than or less-than symbols, instead using their corresponding HTML escape codes. The EAI software components compensate for this upon receipt of the XML by using a custom JAX-M parser to extract and parse the data.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<soap-env:Envelope xmlns:soap-env="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:SOAP- ENC="" xmlns:wc="">
<Collection xsi:type="xsd:string">
<COLLECTION><Status NAME="Status" TYPE="Unknown" STATUS="0"> <Message>
<Text>success</Text> </Message>
</Status> </COLLECTION>