Activity Name | Input | Output | Dependencies | Comment |
FilePoll_ESIRe sponse | None | The contents of the ESISendRes ponse.xml as a text stream. | The ESISendRes ponse.xml file. | FilePoll_ESIResp onse reads the contents of ESISendResponse.xml file at the interval of 5 seconds (configurable). |
Parse XML | The contents of the ESISendResponse.xml as a text stream. | The XML element containing Transaction number | None | This activity simply parses the file and renders the contents in XML format. |
ReadFile_ESIR esponse | The absolute path of ESIResponse_<TransactionNumber> file. | The contents of the ESIResponse<TransactionNumber>. xml as a text stream. | ESIRespons e_<Transact ionNumber>.xml file | This activity reads the ESIResponse file. |
JMSSender_ES IDataResponse | The contents of the ESIResponse_<TransactionNumber>.xml as a text stream | JMS message in ESIDataRes ponse queue | JMS connection and queue parameters and JMS server | This activity sends the JMS message to JMS queue. |
End | None | None | None | None |