Q: The Windchill Simulation module engine is started but the process doesn’t start.
A: Starting the engine does not start the process. The engine, once started, listens for changes to ESISendResponse.xml. The process will begin once one of these files is opened, changed, and saved.
Q: The ESISendResponse.xml file was changed and saved but the process fails to start.
A: Ensure that the xml file is in the directory specified by the ESIDirectory Global Variable. Also ensure that the file has been changed; some text editors do not save the file if it has not been changed. In UNIX environments, be sure to change the path to ESISendResponse.xml file in the FilePoll_ESIResponse activity in the Stub_ESIRequest_Subscribe_ESIResponse_Publish_PD process definition.
Q: The engine gives an error on startup that it can’t connect to the EMS server.
A: Ensure that the ESISTUBJMSUsername, ESISTUBJMSPassword and ESIJMSJNDIContextURL values are correct. Also ensure that EMS server is up and running.
Q: The process seems to be reading and publishing messages correctly to the EMS, but the EAI Software Components crashes very close to the beginning of its processing.
A: The XML parser that reads the ESIResponse is very picky. Carefully check your ESIResponse file to ensure that it is properly formatted and that no XML tags were inadvertently modified. Also, the XML attributes must appear in the same order they appear in the XML schema.
Q: The EAI Software Components process appears to be processing a different ESIResponseUserA.xml file than the one in the directory specified by the Global Variable ESIDirectory.
A: Check for TransactionNumber element in ESISendResponse.xml/ESIResponseUserA_<TransactionNumber>.xml file pairs. If this is not the problem, open the JMS Administration Tool and check that there are no messages waiting on the JMS queues by running the command "show queues". If messages remain, purge the queues by running the command "purge all queues". Also check if Process Archive is connected to same ESIDataResponse Queue.
Q: The engine errors when it is restarted.
A: In the <Tibco_Home>/tra/domain/<Domain>/application/<ApplicationName> folder, delete any folder named "working" and retry.
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