PTC Common Domain
PTC Common (PTC) domain provides access to entities that are common to multiple domains. It is recommended to store common entities in this domain. The domain also provides complex types and functions that are used in other domains.
The following table lists the significant OData entities available in the PTC Common domain. To see all the OData entities available in the PTC Common domain, refer to the EDM of the domain. The domain EDM is available at the metadata URL.
OData Entities
Content file associated to a business document
The ContentItem entity provides a generic view of the content that is associated to a business document. More specialized entities are derived from ContentItem are ExternalStoredData, ApplicationData, and URLData.
You can use PATCH requests to update the Comments and Description properties. In the body of the PATCH request, specify the values for the attributes.
Content stored in an external location
The ExternalStoredData entity provides a specialized view of an externally stored ContentItem, which is stored in a document
A URL that is stored in a business document
The URLData entity provides a specialized view of the URL ContentItem that is stored in a document
Content stored in Windchill application
The ApplicationData entity provides a specialized view of the content stored by the Windchill application.
Windchill Objects
Some of the Windchill objects types are not available in Windchill REST Services. All the object types that are not available in Windchill REST Services are represented as WindchillEntity.
WindchillEntity returns only the ID, created by, and last modified by, attributes for these objects.
If you want to return Windchill objects that are not available in Windchill REST Services, use this entity to represent such objects.
The object types, which are available in Windchill REST Services, are automatically mapped to the relevant entity type.
In addition to the entities, this domain also contains the following complex types which represent:
QuantityOfMeasureType—Real number with unit data type in Windchill.
Hyperlink—URL data type in Windchill.
Icon—Icon in Windchill.
EnumType—Attributes that are enumerated types in Windchill or attributes that have type constraints defined.
ClassificationInfo—Classification binding attribute.
ClassificationAttribute—Classifications attributes.
EntityMetaInfo—Windchill metadata information for entity types.
PropertyMetaInfo—Windchill metadata information for properties.
DownloadContentInfo—The input parameters that are specified to download the content as a zip-stream.
To avoid cyclic dependencies, the dependency between PTC Common domain and Principal domain is removed. PTC Common Domain v4 no longer imports the PrincipalMgmt domain. A new lightweight entity UserRef has been created to represent WTUser in Creator and Modifier navigations for ContentItem.
URI to the full entity representation for User is available when the Accept header contains odata.metadata=full.
Accept: application/json
Accept: application/json;odata.metadata=full
"Creator": {
"CreatedOn": "2023-03-13T12:42:09-05:00",
"ID": "",
"LastModified": "2023-03-13T12:42:09-05:00",
"DistinguishedName": "uid=wcadmin,ou=people,cn=ldap,cn=Windchill,o=ptc",
"EMail": null,
"FullName": "Site, Administrator",
"Identity": "wcadmin",
"LastName": "Site",
"MobilePhoneNumber": null,
"Name": "wcadmin",
"Status": null,
"UserDomain": "/System"
"Creator": {
"@odata.type": "#PTC.UserRef",
"href": "https://<Windchill_URL>/servlet/odata/v6/DocMgmt/Documents('OR:wt.doc.WTDocument:187692')/PrimaryContent/Creator",
CreatedOn@odata.type: "#DateTimeOffset",
"CreatedOn": "2023-03-13T12:42:09-05:00",
"ID": "",
LastModified@odata.type: "#DateTimeOffset",
"LastModified": "2023-03-13T12:42:09-05:00",
"DistinguishedName": "uid=wcadmin,ou=people,cn=ldap,cn=Windchill,o=ptc",
"EMail": null,
"FullName": "Site, Administrator",
"Identity": "wcadmin",
"LastName": "Site",
"MobilePhoneNumber": null,
"Name": "wcadmin",
"Status": null,
"UserDomain": "/System",
"@Core.Links": [
rel@odata.type: "#String",
"rel": "PrincipalMgmt/Users",
href@odata.type: "#String",

"href": "https://<Windchill_URL>/servlet/odata/v5/PrincipalMgmt/Users('')"
Creator@odata.navigationLink:"href": "https://<Windchill_URL>/servlet/odata/v6/DocMgmt/Documents('OR:wt.doc.WTDocument:187692')/PrimaryContent/Creator"
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