PTC Data Administration Domain
Starting with Windchill REST Services 2.6, the API versions 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 of the domain are deprecated and will be removed in a future release of Windchill REST Services.
The PTC Data Administration domain provides access to data administration capabilities of Windchill. The domain includes entities that represent Windchill containers such as, site, organization, product, libraries, project containers, and so on. It also includes entities that represent the folder hierarchy in these containers. This domain contains an entity set called Containers that enables clients to read the containers available in their Windchill system.
Containers entity set is read-only, and does not support update, delete and create operations.
The following table lists the significant OData entities available in the Data Administration domain. To see all the OData entities available in the Data Administration domain, refer to the EDM of the domain. The domain EDM is available at the metadata URL.
OData Entities
Windchill container
A Windchill container. This entity exposes only those attributes that are common across all types of containers.
Site container
A site container which is derived from the Container entity.
Organization container
An organization container, which is derived from the Container entity.
Product container
A product container, which is derived from the Container entity.
This entity provides the following navigation properties:
OptionPool —Retrieves the options group and options available in the option pool for the specified container. See the section PTC Product Platform Management Domain, for more information about OptionPoolItem entity.
AssignedOptionSet—Retrieves the option set assigned to the specified container. See the section PTC Product Platform Management Domain, for more information about OptionSet entity.
OptionPoolAliases—Retrieves the expression aliases assigned to the specified container.
These navigation properties are available only if the option Configurable Module Support is set to Yes in Utilities > Preference Management > Options and Variants.
Library container
A library container
This entity provides the following navigation properties:
OptionPool —Retrieves the options group and options available in the option pool for the specified container. See the section PTC Product Platform Management Domain, for more information about OptionPoolItem entity.
AssignedOptionSet—Retrieves the option set assigned to the specified container. See the section PTC Product Platform Management Domain, for more information about OptionSet entity.
OptionPoolAliases—Retrieves the expression aliases assigned to the specified container.
These navigation properties are available only if the option Configurable Module Support is set to Yes in Utilities > Preference Management > Options and Variants.
Project container
A project container
Folders and subfolders
A folder, which is derived from the Container entity. You can use folders to organize objects.
You can create, update, and delete folders and subfolders.
Generic item that resides in the Windchill folder
The FolderContent entity represents the generic view of an item that resides in a folder.
Other domain entities can derive from this entity to create more specific views. For example, in the Product Management domain, the PartContent entities derive from FolderContent.
Navigation URLs for OptionPool, AssignedOptionSet, and OptionPoolAliases
You can use the following URLs to retrieve option pool items (option groups and options), an assigned option set, and expression aliases. These navigation properties are available for product and library containers.
OptionPool Navigation Property:
To get the option pool items for a specific container:
To get the containers along with the option pool items:
To get the option groups from the option pool for a specific container typecast to the OptionGroup entity:
To get the top-level options from the option pool for a specific container typecast to the Option entity:
AssignedOptionSet Navigation Property:
To get the assigned option set with details:
To get the assigned option set with details for a specific container:
OptionPoolAliases Navigation Property:
To get the expression aliases with details:
To get the expression aliases with details for a specific container:
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