Windchill REST Services Domain Capabilities > PTC Domains > PTC Domains > PTC BOM Transformation Domain > Actions Available in the BOM Transformation Domain
Actions Available in the BOM Transformation Domain
The following are some of the key actions available for the BOM transformation domain:
GetExtendedDatas—Returns the extended data (plant data and enterprise data) objects for the extended data OIDs specified in the request body.
GetDepartmentDatas—Returns the department data objects for a plant for the department data OIDs specified in the request body.
GetEquivalenceNetworkForParts—Returns equivalence networks for a given set of parts.
GetCoproduceDataWithInlineNavCriteria—Returns the information for a single co-produce object or a collection of co-produce objects using the inline navigation criteria passed in the navigationCriteria parameter. The action also returns the co-produce usage links based on the option filters applied to the upstream and downstream part structures, respectively.
GetCoproduceData—Returns the information for a single co-produce object or a collection of co-produce objects. If NavigationCriteriaId is passed as a parameter, navigation criteria with the given ID are used, else the default are used. The action also returns the co-produce usage links based on the option filters applied to the upstream and downstream part structures, respectively.
GetCoproduceForPartsWithInlineNavCriteria—Returns the co-produce information for a single part or a collection of parts using the inline navigation criteria passed in the navigationCriteria parameter.
GetCoproduceForPartsWithInlineNavCriteria using $expand on CoProduceUsageLinks also returns the co-produce usage links based on the option filters applied to the upstream and downstream part structures, respectively.
GetCoproduceForParts—Returns the co-produce information for a single part or a collection of parts. When NavigationCriteriaId is passed as a parameter, navigation criteria with the given ID are used, else default are used.
GetCoproduceForParts using $expand on CoProduceUsageLinks also returns the co-produce usage links based on the option filters applied to the upstream and downstream part structures, respectively.
GetMadeFromSetForPartsWithInlineNavCriteria—Returns “Made From Sets for Parts” using the inline navigation criteria passed in the navigationCriteria parameter.
GetMadeFromSetForPartsWithInlineNavCriteria using $expand on RawMaterialLink also returns the manufacturing raw material links based on the option filters applied to the upstream and downstream part structures, respectively.
GetMadeFromSetForParts—Returns “Made From Sets for Parts”. If NavigationCriteriaId is passed as a parameter, navigation criteria with the given ID are used, else the default are used.
GetMadeFromSetForParts using $expand on RawMaterialLink also returns the manufacturing raw material links based on the option filters applied to the upstream and downstream part structures, respectively.
GetMadeFromSetDataWithInlineNavCriteria—Returns the “Made From Parts” information for a single “Made From Set” or a collection of “Made From Sets” using the inline navigation criteria passed in the navigationCriteria parameter.
The action also returns the manufacturing raw material links based on the option filters applied to the upstream and downstream part structures, respectively.
GetMadeFromSetData—Returns the “Made From Parts” information for a single “Made From Set” or a collection of “Made From Sets”. If NavigationCriteriaId is passed as a parameter, navigation criteria with the given ID are used, else the default are used.
The action also returns the manufacturing raw material links based on the option filters applied to the upstream and downstream part structures, respectively.
CreateCoproduceWithInlineNavCriteria—Creates the co-produce objects using inline navigation criteria passed in the navigationCriteria parameter.
CreateCoproduce—Creates the co-produce objects. If NavigationCriteriaId is passed as a parameter, navigation criteria with the given ID are used, else the default are used.
CreateMadeFromSets—Creates “Made From Sets” for a single or multiple part objects. You can optionally provide the change notice or change task ID for tracking the created “Made From Set”. When the Track “Made From” History Through Change Notice preference is set to Yes, you must specify the ChangeOid attribute and its value.
AddCoproduceMembersWithInlineNavCriteria—Adds secondary parts for co-produce members using inline navigation criteria passed in the navigationCriteria parameter.
AddCoproduceMembers—Adds secondary parts for co-produce members. If NavigationCriteriaId is passed as a parameter, navigation criteria with the given ID are used, else the default are used.
InsertMadeFrom—Inserts “Made From Parts” for the part objects or the “Made From Set” objects.
UpdateCoproduceStructureWithInlineNavCriteria—Updates the structure of a single or multiple co-produce objects using inline navigation criteria passed in the navigationCriteria parameter.
UpdateCoproduceStructure—Updates the structure of a single or multiple co-produce objects. If NavigationCriteriaId is passed as a parameter, navigation criteria with the given ID are used, else the default are used.
UpdateSecondaryCoproduceLinks—Updates a single or multiple secondary co-produce links for a co-produce object in context of change (change task or change notice).
UpdateCoProduceUsageLinks—Updates a single or multiple co-produce usage links for a co-produce object in context of change (change task or change notice).
UpdateCoproduces—Updates a single or multiple co-produce objects. You can optionally provide the change notice or change task ID for tracking the updated co-produce objects.
EditCoproducesSecurityLabels—Edits Security Labels for co-produce objects.
EditMadeFromSetsSecurityLabels—Edits Security Labels for “Made From Set” objects.
UpdateRawMaterialLinks—Updates a single or multiple “manufacturing raw material links” for a part or a “Made From Set” object. You can optionally provide the change notice or change task ID for tracking the updated “raw material links”. When the Track “Made From” History Through Change Notice preference is set to Yes, you must specify the ChangeOid attribute and its value.
UpdateMadeFromSets—Updates a single or multiple “Made From Set” objects. You can optionally provide the change notice or change task ID for tracking the updated “Made From Set” objects.
UpdateCommonPropertiesForDepartmentDatas—Updates common properties of a single or multiple department data objects.
UpdateCommonPropertiesForExtendedDatas—Updates common properties of a single or multiple extended data objects.
RemovePlantDataAssociations—Removes a single or multiple associations between parts and the plant data objects.
RemoveDepartmentDataAssociations—Removes a single or multiple associations between parts and the department data objects.
RemoveMadeFromAssociations—Removes a single or multiple associations between parts and the raw material objects.
DeleteCoproduces—Deletes an existing single or multiple co-produce objects.
DeleteMadeFromSets—Deletes an existing single or multiple “Made From Set” objects.
GetManufacturingBOM—Returns the manufacturing bill of material (BOM) for the navigation criteria passed in the NavigationCriteria parameter. If NavigationCriteria is not passed as a parameter, then the default navigation criteria are applied.
For example, the request URI
POST /Windchill/servlet/odata/BomTransformation/XBOMParts('<RootPartOID>')/PTC.BomTransformation.GetManufacturingBOM?$expand=Components($levels=max)
returns the following response:
"@odata.context": "$metadata#TreeStructureItems",
"ObjectId": "OR:wt.part.WTPart:387493",
"LinkId": null,
"ObjectName": "DemoRoot1",
"ObjectNumber": "0000000659",
"PathId": null,
"PVTreeId": "/",
"PVParentTreeId": null,
"@PTC.AppliedContainerContext.LocalTimeZone": "Europe/Warsaw",
"Components": [
"ObjectId": "OR:wt.part.WTPart:391422",
"LinkId": "OR:wt.part.WTPartUsageLink:388393",
"ObjectName": "C2",
"ObjectNumber": "0000000672",
"PathId": "ceb35595-dffa-408b-9bfa-03dadc2a78ac",
"PVTreeId": "/0:387493-388347-ceb35595-dffa-408b-9bfa-03dadc2a78ac",
"PVParentTreeId": "/",
"Components": [
"ObjectId": "OR:wt.part.WTPart:388411",
"LinkId": "OR:wt.part.WTPartUsageLink:391424",
"ObjectName": "C21",
"ObjectNumber": "0000000673",
"PathId": "ceb35595-dffa-408b-9bfa-03dadc2a78ac|33945a44-a8d4-4700-9242-b2558b67907b",
"PVTreeId": "/0:387493-388347-ceb35595-dffa-408b-9bfa-03dadc2a78ac/0:391422-388408-33945a44-a8d4-4700-9242-b2558b67907b",
"PVParentTreeId": "/0:387493-388347-ceb35595-dffa-408b-9bfa-03dadc2a78ac"
"ObjectId": "OR:wt.part.WTPart:391407",
"LinkId": "OR:wt.part.WTPartUsageLink:387549",
"ObjectName": "C1",
"ObjectNumber": "0000000660",
"PathId": "3d6a24f4-9ca7-4636-8317-0942b4ae7f40",
"PVTreeId": "/0:387493-387503-3d6a24f4-9ca7-4636-8317-0942b4ae7f40",
"PVParentTreeId": "/",
"Components": [
"ObjectId": "OR:wt.part.WTPart:387610",
"LinkId": "OR:wt.part.WTPartUsageLink:391409",
"ObjectName": "C12",
"ObjectNumber": "0000000662",
"PathId": "3d6a24f4-9ca7-4636-8317-0942b4ae7f40|ea1d956a-b436-4ecb-be7d-8c697aee2b92",
"PVTreeId": "/0:387493-387503-3d6a24f4-9ca7-4636-8317-0942b4ae7f40/0:391407-387607-ea1d956a-b436-4ecb-be7d-8c697aee2b92",
"PVParentTreeId": "/0:387493-387503-3d6a24f4-9ca7-4636-8317-0942b4ae7f40"
"ObjectId": "OR:wt.part.WTPart:387568",
"LinkId": "OR:wt.part.WTPartUsageLink:391410",
"ObjectName": "C11",
"ObjectNumber": "0000000661",
"PathId": "3d6a24f4-9ca7-4636-8317-0942b4ae7f40|2db3dd1e-0077-4ed2-b114-7970e7a09d25",
"PVTreeId": "/0:387493-387503-3d6a24f4-9ca7-4636-8317-0942b4ae7f40/0:391407-387565-2db3dd1e-0077-4ed2-b114-7970e7a09d25",
"PVParentTreeId": "/0:387493-387503-3d6a24f4-9ca7-4636-8317-0942b4ae7f40"
The action also returns the manufacturing raw material links or co-produce usage links based on the option filters applied to the upstream and downstream part structures, respectively.
GetRawMaterialsForPartsWithInlineNavCriteria—Retrieves raw materials for parts using the navigation criteria passed as a parameter.
The action also returns the manufacturing raw material links based on the option filters applied to the upstream and downstream part structures, respectively.
GetRawMaterialsForParts—Retrieves raw materials for parts. If NavigationCriteriaId is passed as a parameter, navigation criteria with the given ID are used, else the default are used.
The action also returns the manufacturing raw material links based on the option filters applied to the upstream and downstream part structures, respectively.
GetExtendedDatasForPartsWithInlineNavCriteria—Returns extended data for parts for navigation criteria passed in the NavigationCriteria parameter.
GetExtendedDatasForParts—Returns extended data for parts. If NavigationCriteriaId is passed as a parameter, navigation criteria with the given ID will be used, else the system default navigation criteria are used.
GetDepartmentDatasForPartsWithInlineNavCriteria—Returns department data for parts using navigation criteria passed as the navigationCriteria parameter.
GetDepartmentDatasForParts—Returns department data for parts. If NavigationCriteriaId is passed as a parameter, navigation criteria with the given ID are used, else the system default navigation criteria are applied.
GetDepartmentDatasFromPlantWithInlineNavCriteria—Returns department data for a plant using navigation criteria passed in the navigationCriteria parameter.
GetDepartmentDatasFromPlant—Returns department data for a plant. When NavigationCriteriaId is passed as a parameter, navigation criteria with the given ID will be used.
AssignPlant—Creates plant data for a particular part. You can optionally provide the change notice or change task ID for tracking the plant assignment.
CreateDepartmentData—Creates department data for a given part. You can optionally provide the change notice or change task ID for tracking the newly created department data objects.
CreateDepartmentDataForPlantData—Create department data for a given plant data. You can optionally provide the change notice or change task ID for tracking the newly created department data objects.
In Windchill REST Services 2.4, the following actions have been hidden for the Windchill 11.1 M020,, and versions, as those are not functional with the Windchill releases:
In Windchill REST Services 2.4, the following actions have been hidden for the Windchill 11.1 M020 and versions, as those are not functional with the Windchill releases:
Refer to the domain EDM for a complete list of actions.
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