Windchill REST Services Domain Capabilities > Domain Dependencies Report
Domain Dependencies Report
A new tool WRS Domain Dependency Browser is introduced to show a graphical representation of the dependencies between domains. It is available through the customization documentation menu. Domain dependencies are specified in the domains’ imports.json files. This tool is used to troubleshoot the errors caused by the conflicting domain version imports (error code CONFIGURATION_ERROR_CONFLICTING_DOMAIN_VERSIONS). You can use it for both the custom domains and PTC domains.
The tool has three modes:
All dependencies: shows all dependencies that exist for a specific domain version.
Cycles without conflicts: shows all circular dependencies. An example of a circular dependency is when a Domain A imports Domain B, and Domain B imports Domain A, either directly or indirectly.
Cycles with conflicts: shows circular dependencies where the versions of the imported domains are in conflict. For example, when Domain A v2 imports Domain B v1, and Domain B v1 imports Domain A v1, then an error occurs (error code CONFIGURATION_ERROR_CONFLICTING_DOMAIN_VERSIONS). In such case, the WRS Domain Dependency Browser tool is used to troubleshoot the error.
You can access the Domain Dependencies Report from a running instance of Windchill from the Customization context using the following steps:
1. To display the Customization icon on the Browse tab, in the Preference Management utility, set Client Customization to Yes.
2. In the Browse tab, click the Customization icon. The Customization page opens.
3. Click Documentation.
4. Under the API menu, click WRS Domain Dependency Browser to open the report.
5. Select a domain and domain version to generate domain dependency graph. You can filter dependencies by selecting a mode value, Full Graph, Circular with conflict, Circular without Conflict. The dependency graph is generated for a domain, domain version and mode. A Circular Dependencies table is generated with each dependency stream displayed as a table row for Circular with Conflict and Circular without Conflict.
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