Domain JSON File
The <Domain JSON File> is a JSON file with the same name as the domain identifier, and has .json specified as extension in its file name. For example, for domain identifier ProdMgmt, the <Domain JSON File> file name is ProdMgmt.json. The file contains configuration metadata for the domain. The configuration metadata is specified in a JSON object with the following properties:
name—Name of the domain. For example, Product Management.
id—An unique identifier of the domain in camel case. For example, ProdMgmt for Product Management domain.
description—Description of the domain.
namespace—An OData identifier that appears in the domain EDM as a namespace qualifier for a domain. For example, PTC.ProdMgmt.
containerName—An OData identifier that appears in the domain EDM as a container for the entity sets of the domain.
conglomerate—Specifies if the domain is a conglomerate domain. When the property is set to true, the domain is treated as a conglomerate domain.
defaultVersion—Default version of the domain API that is returned to the clients if they do not request a specific version of the domain API. The values for this property are specified as 1, 2, 3 and so on in the JSON file. The framework interprets the value of 1 as v1. It searches for the <Domain Folder>/v1 folder for entity configurations that must be used for processing requests. Similarly, a value of 2 is interpreted as v2, and so on.
For example, the ProdMgmt.json file from the Product Management domain is as shown below:
"name":"Product Management Domain",
"description":"PTC Product Management Domain",
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