Windchill REST Services Domain Capabilities > PTC Domains > PTC Domains > PTC CAD Document Management Domain
PTC CAD Document Management Domain
Starting with Windchill REST Services 2.6, the API versions 1, 2, and 3 of the domain are deprecated and will be removed in a future release of Windchill REST Services.
PTC CAD Document Management domain provides access to the CAD data management capabilities of Windchill. CAD data management uses business objects, referred to as CAD documents to contain and manage CAD information in a Windchill database. A CAD document is a revision-controlled and lifecycle-managed object containing a CAD model or drawing file. The CAD model can be a file or a set of files containing information in a CAD application format. This domain enables you to get all the information related to a CAD document.
The following table lists the significant OData entities available in the PTC CAD Document Management domain. To see all the OData entities available in the PTC CAD Document Management domain, refer to the EDM of the domain available at the following metadata URL: Windchill/servlet/odata/CADDocumentMgmt/$metadata
OData Entities
CAD document
The CADDocument entity represents a version of CAD document. Use the navigation property AllPrimaryContents to get details about the primary content associated with the CAD document.
AllPrimaryContents navigation property supports all the primary content that is directly downloaded in Windchill. It returns URLs to download the content.
The primary content that is not directly downloadable in Windchill and opens in other applications is not supported. For example, CAD assembly opens in Creo Parametric, and is not downloadable in Windchill. Such primary contents are not supported by the navigation property.
When the CAD document does not contain any primary content or contains primary content that is not supported by the navigation, the response returns an empty primary content.
"AllPrimaryContents": []
The navigation PrimaryContent is not supported for CADDocument entity.
In Windchill, the types with internal names, DefaultEPMDocument and DefaultEPMDocumentMaster, represent the versions of CAD document. Use the classes EPMDocument and EPMDocumentMaster to work with versions of CAD documents.
The CADDocumentUse entity represents the link between a parent assembly and its components. It contains attributes such as, quantity, unit, location, and so on. In Windchill, DefaultEPMMemberLink type and EPMMemberLink class represent this association.
The CADDocumentReference entity represents the link between a CAD document and its references. References are relationships between files that do not have a hierarchical or structural relationship. In Windchill, DefaultEPMReferenceLink type and EPMReferenceLink class represent this association.
The DerivedSource entity represents the link between an image CAD document and its source. An image is an object that has copied most of its content from a source object. In Windchill, EPMDerivedRepHistory class represents this association.
Part Associations
The PartDocAssociation entity represents the association links between a CAD document and a WTPart. The types of association links are further represented by the BuildRuleAssociation, BuildHistoryAssociation, and ContentAssociation entities.
The BuildRuleAssociation and BuildHistoryAssociation entities represent the link between a CAD document and WTPart for all associations except Content. In Windchill, the EPMBuildRule and EPMBuildHistory classes represent this association.
The ContentAssociation entity represents the link between a CAD document and WTPart for content association type. In Windchill, it is represented by EPMDescribeLink class.
CAD document structure
The CADStructure entity represents the CAD structure, which is expanded to required number of levels. Use the action GetStructure to retrieve the CAD structure.
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