Customization Points
Extendable classes
If the class ESIPromotionRequestRenderer is extended, the extension must be defined in the ESI service properties file. The entry that resides in this file for the default version is as follows:
Service Property name: com.ptc.windchill.esi.rnd.ESIRenderer
Default values of attributes of the <Option> element:
Configurable Options
Windchill ESI preferences control several configurable options that play a role in the publication of a promotion request and its associated objects. The options are:
Defines the lifecycle state of a promotion request at which the ESI workflow is to be launched. This preference is used only when the preference Launch ESI Workflow Automatically is set to Yes.
Preference name: Promotion Request Configuration Specification State
Default value: APPROVED
Defines the name of the Info*Engine task that ESI services invoke for querying the Windchill database for attributes on the promotion request that is being published.
Preference name: Query Promotion Request Task
Default value: com/ptc/windchill/esi/QueryObject.xml
Specifies whether or not the objects in a promotion request will be published via a single ESI workflow when the promotion request is approved. When set to Yes, a single response file (per destination) will be generated for all the objects in the promotion request when the promotion request is approved. When set to No, a response file will be generated for each object in the promotion request, when the objects reach their publication state via a promotion.
Preference name: Publish Promotion Requests
Default value: Yes
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