Unternehmensverwaltung > Dateidepot und Replikation > FvLoader and ReplicaLoader > Configuring External File Vaults or Rules
Configuring External File Vaults or Rules
Use the following arguments for the fvloader.csv file or the .csv file that you write to configure external file vaults or rules:
V,vaultName—Creates an external file vault with the name vaultName.
When a vault is created the create folder command (such as F, folderName, vaultName) creates a RootFolder instead of a folder. All the folders are automatically created under this root folder.
H,hostName—Creates a file vault host with the host name hostName.
Host names are case-sensitive. If the host name of the main or replica gets converted into upper case while rehosting, convert the upper case name to lower case.
1. Open the Vault Configuration window.
2. Select the host name you want to update.
3. Select Object > Update to open the Update Host window.
4. Click OK.
F,folderName,vaultName—Creates a file vault folder with the name folderName and attaches that file vault folder to the file vault with the name vaultName.
M,folderName,hostName,path—Creates a file vault mount between the file vault folder with the name folderName and the file vault host with the name hostName. The mount has the following characteristics:
It uses the file path specified in the path argument.
If folderName is the name of root folder, a mount for that root folder is created. Folders are automatically created under the root folder as required.
R,vaultName,fullClassName,fullDomainPath,lifeCycleStateName—Creates a file vaulting policy rule that applies to:
The file vault with the name vaultName
The class with the name fullClassName—Only classes listed in the graphical user interface for creating rule may be included in the .csv file. Abstract classes that are content holders are not permitted.
The domain with the full external path fullDomainPath. For details about how to find the fullDomainPath, see Listing Domains.
The life cycle state with the name lifeCycleStateName
Life cycle states names are case-sensitive, and the use of lowercase letters could corrupt the rules table. Use only all-capital letters for life cycle states to load vaulting rules with FvLoader (for example, ALL RELEASED).
VE,vaultName—Enables the vault with the name vaultName.
FE,folderName—Enables the folder with name folderName. If a folder does not have at least one mount, do not enable it.
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