Publishing Process Plans
Windchill ESI services provide:
1. A GetProcessPlan Info*Engine task, to support the RPC request for creating Routing information from Windchill process plan data.
2. Java classes that extract the Windchill data and format the RPC response.
3. access to the major features of the GetProcessPlan RPC support classes via the Windchill Adapter.
ESI services do not use the Info*Engine task in GetProcessPlan.xml out-of-the- box, but use the getProcessPlan() API of StandardESIService for generating the ESI response.
A process plan may be published either in object-centric mode, or in association with a change notice or a promotion request.
The Java classes mentioned in (2) above are usable, and in many cases, extendable by customizers. Javadoc descriptions of the supported classes are provided.
A process plan typically consists of the following:
a process plan header
one or more parts
one or more sequences
one or more operations
one or more documents
one or more control characteristics
A sequence may consist of one or more operations, while an operation may consist of one or more manufacturing resources such as tooling, process materials or skills, and may also be associated to one or more control characteristics. A control characteristic may or may not have an associated model item..
Windchill ESI services render a process plan and its associated objects using certain renderers, all of which extend the abstract base class BasicESIRenderer. In turn, this class implements the only renderer interface provided by ESI services, viz., ESIRenderer. The relevant classes are described in the Process Plan Classes section of this document.
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