Publishing Documents
Part and Document Relationships
Part References Links
The figure above shows the relationship between a part iteration and a document (WTDocument). These documents are documents that this part references. Windchill ESI services navigate this relationship to return documents that are associated to the part. The linking class is also published to show the relationship between a part and the document.
Part Describes Links
The figure above shows the second type of relationship between a part and a document (WTDocument). These documents are documents that describe the part. Windchill ESI services navigate this relationship to return documents that are associated to the part. The linking class (WTPartDescribeLink) is also published.
EPM Build History Links
The figure above shows the relationship between a part and an EPMDocument. Any CAD documents used to build this part are processed to identify the documents associated with this part. The linking class (EPMBuildHistory) is also published.
EPM Describes Links
The figure above shows the second type of relationship between a part and an EPMDocument that describes the part. If you have installed Windchill Engineering Factor, and CAD documents were used to build a part, the EPM describe links are navigated to obtain the documents associated with this part. The linking class (EPMDescribeLink) is also published.
Each of the links described above is shown to have a WTPart iteration as one of its ends. However, the link can be associated to the iteration of any of the following Revision Controlled objects instead – viz., MPMProcessPlan, MPMSequence, MPMOperation or MPMResource.
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