Related Terms
Application Programming Interface (API)
A set of functions that can be invoked by other programs. An API provides a standard way to access the publicly available services of a software system.
EMS (Java Message Service)
A standard set of interfaces to Message Oriented EAI Software Components, such as TIBCO. The standard was published by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
XML (eXtended Markup Language)
A standard format for representing hierarchical data. The World Wide Web Consortium published the standard.
SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol)
A lightweight XML-based protocol for exchange of information in a decentralized, distributed environment. The SOAP 1.1 standard was published by the W3C.
SOAP RPC (SOAP Remote Procedure Call)
A SOAP-formatted request for information coupled with a SOAP-formatted response to the request. The SOAP 1.1 standard contains more details about SOAP RPCs..
A description of the elements (for example, modules, components, subsystems) that comprise a software system. Architecture includes the relationships between the elements and the interfaces between elements.
The term, "adapter," means, "software that allows one software module or system to use the services of another module or system."
Anything that is necessary for system operations. Elements such as hardware, operating systems, applications and databases. Includes supporting utilities, required operating system services, and configuration files/repositories.
Distribution Engine
A set of components that work together to move data between one software system and another.
Info*Engine Adapter
An adapter that uses the services of Info*Engine. Info*Engine adapters are often written using PTC’s Java Adapter Development Kit. Info*Engine adapters accept requests in the form of webjects.
Info*Engine ERP Adapter
An Info*Engine adapter that is designed to access and/or update objects in an ERP system. These adapters accept requests in the form of webjects. They also support molecular transactions, such as "Update BOM."
Logical Architecture
A definition of the software processes that comprise a software system. Logical architecture operates one or more physical architectures.
Physical Architecture
A definition of the computers, peripheral devices, and network connections that comprise a software system.
System Architecture (a.k.a. Application Architecture)
A definition of the software components that cooperate to deliver the services of a software system. Application architecture defines the way logical architecture processes are utilized in the system.
TIBCO Adapter
An adapter that uses the services of TIBCO. These adapters are invoked using TIBCO messages, rather than webjects. They do not support molecular or composite transactions. Instead, they support atomic transactions by exposing the individual API’s of the software for which the adapter is designed. While making the configuration of these adapters more complicated (low level), this architecture adds more flexibility by enabling implementers to compose molecular transactions form logically organized atomic transactions. Atomic transactions can be selected , then logic can be applied to configure the molecular transaction.
Windchill Adapter (a.k.a. WTAdapter)
An Info*Engine adapter that accesses and updates objects in Windchill.
Enterprise Systems Integration
An information bridge between two enterprise systems. In the current release, Enterprise Systems Integration connects PDM systems with other enterprise systems, such as ERP systems.
Alternate Part
In Windchill, a form, fit, and function replacement for a part in every product structure usage. The replacement is global to a Windchill implementation.
Assembly Part
In Windchill, a part that can contain other parts- that is, a product structure.
BOM (Bill of Materials)
An ERP structure that identifies the components that are used to make an assembly.
Component Part
In Windchill, a part that cannot contain other parts.
A procedure performed by a System Integrator that enables standard Windchill functionality. The criterion is that the System Integrator must be able to perform this activity with the "Quick Start" timeframe. In general, the procedure should not require advanced programming skills.
Custom attributes
Custom attributes are attributes that are added to a Windchill object. They may be added by modifying Windchill object models, by adding IBAs to a Windchill object, or by adding a soft-type to a Windchill object.
A procedure performed by a Customizer that extends standard Windchill functionality. In general, it requires Java programming skills (or equivalent other technical skills) and requires more time and resource than the "Quick Start" timeframe will allow.
EAI (Enterprise Application Integration)
A topic or discipline that covers the tools, technology, companies and resources associated with the integration of enterprise software applications. EAI is responsible for:
Determining destinations for messages and data
Mapping data to the appropriate format for destinations
Providing services (adapters) that deliver messages to destinations
Insuring that messages are delivered to destinations
Reporting the response of the destination to the delivery
ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning)
Software that plans and tracks manufacturing activities.
Getter Method
Attributes may be defined for a Windchill object. Frequently, the contents of the attribute are made available to other objects via a java method. Typically, such methods have names that begin with "get" (for example, "getNumber()" would return the contents of the number attribute). Windchill code generation tools provide the option to generate getter methods for modeled attributes. Windchill developers and customizers may add additional getter methods.
Local attributes
Attributes that are contained by an object are local attributes. Attributes of an object may be other objects.
Multi-Level BOM
In Windchill, an assembly that contains one or more assemblies.
Non-local attributes
If an object has access to another object by any other means than containment (such as a calculation), that object is a non-local attribute. Attributes of contained objects are also non-local. In other words, if you are required to navigate from one object to another to obtain a value, the attribute you obtain is non-local.
Selection Rule
Determines which object types are released by Windchill ESI. Also determines which attributes of the object are released.
Source System
Source systems identify the systems to send data when discussing enterprise systems integration. For Enterprise Systems Integration, the source system is Windchill.
Substitute Part
In Windchill, a form, fit, and function replacement for a part in one specific product structure usage.
System of Record
Data elements are often shared between systems. Sometimes more than one of these systems create and modify the data. If only one system is allowed to modify the data, that system is the system of record for the data.
Target System
Target systems identify the systems to receive data when discussing enterprise systems integration. For example:
Oracle Applications Instances and Organizations (for receiving product data, such as parts, bills of materials, and engineering change orders)
Typical distributed systems transaction, for example, order processing. Does not imply Database Management System commit and rollback capability.
Atomic Transaction - A transaction containing one request that cannot be further subdivided into other transactions.
Molecular Transaction - A group of atomic transactions that must be processed as a unit.
Composite Transaction - A complex aggregate of other transactions. It could be comprised of atomic and/or molecular transactions.
Windchill Core
PDM functionality, including product structures, change processes, and workflows Info*Engine is the communication vehicle for exchanging information with external systems via EAI.
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