Working with Standard Operations
Certain operations are frequently performed in manufacturing industries. A library of such frequently performed operations is created to benefit the manufacturing engineer. Any operation from a library of frequently used operations in industries is called a standard operation. A standard operation helps to capture the manufacturing process knowledge in a centralized manner for better re-usability. With a standard operation in place, a manufacturing engineer is not required to create an operation every time and define its attributes, associativity, and so on.
A standard operation is a standalone type of Windchill object in MPMLink. Unlike operations, a standard operation is not iterated or controlled using versioning schemes. Only a manufacturing engineer can create and manage standard operations in MPMLink.
When using standard operations in process plans, be aware of the following:
You cannot add an operation under a standard operation. However, a standard operation can be added under an operation.
A standard operation can be nested under a standard operation.
A process plan makes use of all the attributes and associations related with a standard operation.
A standard operation can be re-used multiple times in the same process plans or across different process plans.
It is possible to implement rules between manufacturing processes, resources and parts through compatibility rules.
You can load standard operations using a load file.
You can view the details of a part allocated to a standard operation in the Related tab of its immediate parent entity. The immediate parent entity can be an operation, a part or a process plan.
You can collect or group standard operations to create a standard group. Standard groups enable you to organize standard operations such that it can be quickly accessed and reused as required.
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