Tracking Manufacturing History
You can track the usage history of Made From parts using the Made From History table. The table displays the Made From parts that were added, updated, replaced, and removed. This table is available on the information page of the finished part in the Customize menu under History.
Each row in the table shows the attributes of the Made From part, such as name, number, and effectivity, if any. The Event column displays the name of the event that was triggered, such as Add, Update, Replace, or Remove. Additional information about the Replace event is displayed in the Event Details column. The table also displays the user who performed the event and the date and time at which the event occurred. The Authorization column displays the change notice number that was used to track the change and the current state of the task. The organization ID is displayed only when the Expose Organization preference is set to Yes.
When a finished part is revised, the Made From History table for the latest revision shows the latest event that was displayed for the previous revision of the part. However, if the latest event on a Made From part was Remove, the part will not be carried forward to the new revision of the finished part.
The Made From History table is displayed only when the Track “Made From” History Through Change Notice preference is set to Yes. Using this preference, you can track the usage history of Made From parts through a change notice. You can specify the change notice or change task number using the Set Configuration Specification or Open in BOM Transformer with Context action. You can also specify the change task number when using the Mass Update Manufacturing Objects action to replace a Made From part. However, the change task should be unresolved and you should have edit access on it. For more information on these actions, see About Setting Filter Criteria in Set Configuration Specification, About Setting Criteria in Quick Filter.
All the changes made on a Made From association are tracked in the specified change task. For more information on tracking the changes, see Tracking of an Update Event, Tracking of a Replace Event, Tracking of a Remove Event.
The Made From associations are resolved based on the configuration specification applied on the part structure in BOM Transformer. The latest configuration specification with the specified life cycle states is applied for filtering the Made From associations. If the Made From association has a manufacturing history object linked to it, the object is resolved based on the configuration specification, and the latest Made From association is displayed. If the manufacturing history object has pending effectivity or no effectivity applied, the effectivity configuration specification does not resolve that association. For more information on manufacturing history object, see Manufacturing History Object.
If a Made From part is not resolved through the filter applied to the part structure, the master of that Made From part is shown in the structure. When the Track “Made From” History Through Change Notice preference is set to No, none of the configuration specifications is applied to resolve the Made From associations. The BOM Transformer always displays the latest Made From association.
When a finished part is checked out, the latest Made From association is linked to the checked-out part. However, if the configuration specification applied in the BOM Transformer resolves an earlier Made From association, the Made From part is not displayed under the finished part in the BOM structure and Made From table.
If concurrent changes are made on the original and checked-out copies of a Made From association, when checking in the changes, the checked-out copy overrides the changes made on the original copy.
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