Checking In a Manufacturing Standard Group
To check in a manufacturing standard group in a manufacturing standard group browser:
1. Select the manufacturing standard group.
2. In the Actions toolbar, under Check Out/In section, click Check In. The Check In dialog box opens.
3. Optionally, you can provide comments and select the Keep checked out after check In checkbox to keep an object checked out after the check in.
4. Click OK.
The original icon of the manufacturing standard group is restored after performing this action.
Alternatively, you can use the right- click menu to check in a manufacturing standard group.
This Undo Checkout reverses the checked-out state for the selected object and enables you to revert to the object version that was originally checked in.
My Checkouts displays a window listing all the parts that are checked out.
The process of checking in or checking out a standard operation in a manufacturing standard group browser is similar to that of a manufacturing standard group. The only difference is; you should select a standard operation instead of a manufacturing standard group while performing the actions.
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