The codebase Directory
In general, the codebase directory contains executable class files, property files, and other files that contain information needed by the runtime environment for Java and Web processing. The codebase directory can be expanded to show the following directories.
The codebase Directory
To allow presentation in manual format, many subdirectories in the wt directory are not included in this figure.
Most of these directories contain third party product class files.
The html directory contains templates that are used to generate HTML dynamically.
The wt and com\ptc directories contains the executable code for the packages supplied by Windchill (only a subset of which are shown in this illustration) and files required for localization, such as resource bundles and HTML files.
Within these packages are executable class files compiled from corresponding Java files of the same name in the src\wt directory. This set of Java source or .java files is for every business object.
Files in the form <object> .ClassInfo.ser are generated and contain metadata needed by the runtime environment. They are all described in more detail in System Generation.
Each package also contains resource bundles, that is, files that contain localizable information and are in the form:
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