The SISPostPublishDelegate class is specific to information structure and publication structure. It creates a WTDocument or Dynamic Document (EPMDocument) object with the content (usually a PDF file) coming from the representation.
With SISPostPublishDelegate, you can post-publish separate documents for each selected languages without iterating the existing published document. The existing post-published content is iterated if the representation is published again in the same language. For example, if a document Manual.pdf (in English) with the version A.1 is post-published in two languages, Bulgarian and Arabic, SISPostPublishDelegate will create two new documents with the names Manual_001_bg.pdf and Manual_003_ar.pdf with the same version A.1. When an existing document, Manual.pdf (version A.1) is published again in Bulgarian, the document is published with the same name Manual_001_bg.pdf but with the version A.2.
Like DefaultPostPublishDelegate, a PublishedContentLink is maintained between the information structure or publication structure and the post-published document object.
The tables given below list the valid <post-publish> parameter names for the SISPostPublishDelegate and describe how each parameter is used.
Required Parameters
The following parameters are required for the SISPostPublishDelegate class.
Parameter Name
Must be com.ptc.arbortext.windchill.publisher.postpublish.SISPostPublishDelegate.
The name of the object that the SISPostPublishDelegate will create or iterate. The name must be unique among all objects of its type to ensure that the delegate finds the right object to iterate. The name may include {OUTPUT_LANG_CODE} so that the output representation language code is added as a suffix to the name of the post-published document.
Using the output language code, SISPostPublishDelegate creates a post publish document specific to the language. When a representation is published for the same language multiple times, the delegate iterates the existing document for that language.
For example, <post-publish name="name">{EPM_NAME}_{EPM_NUMBER}_{OUTPUT_LANG_CODE}.{OUTPUT_TYPE} </post-publish>
The SISPostPublishDelegate relies on the uniqueness of the name parameter to generate the name of the post-published document.
For multilingual publish jobs, the first language will be used for the value of {OUTPUT_LANG_CODE}.
Optional Parameters
The following parameters are optional for the SISPostPublishDelegate class.
Parameter Name
The number of the object that SISPostPublishDelegate will create or iterate. If specified, the number must be unique among all Windchill objects of this type. If not specified, the number is automatically generated.
The type of the object that SISPostPublishDelegate will create. The type can be specified by its logical identifier and must be a soft type of wt.doc.WTDocument or wt.epm.DynamicDocument. If not specified, the SISPostPublishDelegate creates a wt.epm.DynamicDocument object.
Title of the WTDocument or EPMDocument object.
Description of the WTDocument or EPMDocument object.
The object identifier string of the container to use for initial creation of the WTDocument or EPMDocument. If this value is not specified, the container-name parameter is checked. If both parameters are not specified, the WTDocument is placed in the same context as the information structure or the publication structure being published.
The path (see example below) to the container or the name (string value) of the container to use for initial creation of the WTDocument or EPMDocument. If the name that is used does not exist, or there is more than one container with that name, the post publishing stops, and an error message appears. Container-name is checked only if the container-oid parameter is not set. If container-name and container-oid are not specified, WTDocument is placed in the same context as the information structure or the publication structure being published.
Example: <post-publish name="container-name">/wt.inf.container.OrgContainer=Demo Organization/wt.pdmlink.PDMLinkProduct=GOLF_CART</post-publish>.
The folder path for the initial creation of the WTDocument or EPMDocument.
If the folder is not specified, it uses the folder path of the representable. If the folder does not exist in the specified context, the missing folders in the path is created. For example:
Consider the following examples to specify the root folder:
Specifying the root folder using default is not case sensitive. All subfolders are case sensitive.
Consider the following examples to specify a first-level folder under the root folder:
Consider the following examples to specify multi-level folders, separate the folder names with “/”:
Since subfolders are case sensitive, the paths /Default/first/second and /Default/First/second specifies different folders.
A description for the WTDocument or EPMDocument content.
The life cycle template to associate with WTDocument or EPMDocument.
The life cycle state to associate with WTDocument or EPMDocument
The create published-content-link indicator. If true, yes, or create, a published content link is created. If not specified or has any other value, a published content link is not created.
For examples of these publish rules XML elements, refer to the SamplePublishingRules.xml file in the <Windchill>/codebase/com/ptc/arbortext/windchill/worker directory.
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