Current State of Play
Batch Interference Detection was designed primarily for the purpose of detecting interferences in aDigital Mock-Up(DMU)of the largest assemblies, for instance, entire truck, car, tractor, aircraft, and so on. It's unrealistic, however, to expect Batch Interference Detection to identify every single interference, contact and clearance in these largest assemblies. This is due to the many variables involved in such an enormous interference calculation,
Imperfect or complicated CAD or Representation data heredity; a 'chequered past'
Data modeled in earlier releases of an authoring application may be of lower accuracy or use modeling technology current at the time but antiquated bytoday's standards
Low accuracy or precision used
The 'holy grail' of Interference Detection is:
Identify every single interference, contact and clearance outside defined tolerances
Provide detailed severity information to allow prioritization
The practical reality, however,is that it's not always possible to achieve 100% but these tools do get you one step closer to this.
The current design intent, therefore, is to provide:
Increased visibility and clarity regarding where the major interferences reside
A relative severity value, enabling you to prioritize resolution and disposition
It is unlikely that you will be able to identify every single interference but it will allow you to identify 80-90%, including the most important
Reporting of Interferences with Unavailable Volumes
We know that for many cases, Interferences with no volume are actually very small interferences that can be considered, for practical DMU purposes, as contacts. To aid dealing with these interferences, is to allow them to be treated either as contacts or to ignore them altogether. This can be controlled by the environment variablePVIEW_CLASH_NO_VOLUMEthat can be used with the Creo View client (Desktop Interference Analysis)or theCLASH worker (Batch Interference Detection).
Report the interferences with no volume asContacts.
Ignores interferences with no volume, that is, they will not be included in the report at all.
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