Success and Failure Processing for Webjects
Info*Engine provides the following set of custom tags that you can use to group the execution of webjects and provide success and failure processing:
These tags are supported in JSPs, but their use is strongly discouraged from within JSPs due to how a taglib must be processed. Ideally these tags should only be used from Info*Engine tasks.
For example, the following JSP page has the main body of a unit create one group and then execute three queries concurrently, one of which replaces the first group created. In the success block, it creates a group named “success”. In the failure block, it creates a group named “failure”. In either success or failure, it displays the XML of the last group created:
<%@page language="java"session="false"

<%@ taglib uri=""
prefix="ie" %>

<%response.setContentType ("text/xml");%>


<ie:webject name="Create-Group" type="GRP">
<ie:param name="ELEMENT"data="dbOut2=out"/>
<ie:param name="DELIMITER"data=":"/>
<ie:param name="GROUP_OUT"data="dbOut2"/>


<ie:webject name="Query-Objects" type="OBJ">
<ie:param name="INSTANCE"data="jdbcAdapter"/>
<ie:param name="CLASS"data="EMP"/>
<ie:param name="DBUSER"data="jdm"/>
<ie:param name="PASSWD"data="jdm"/>
<ie:param name="WHERE"data="ENAME='SMITH'"/>
<ie:param name="GROUP_OUT"data="dbOut1"/>

<ie:webject name="Query-Objects" type="OBJ">
<ie:param name="INSTANCE"data="jdbcAdapter"/>
<ie:param name="CLASS"data="EMP"/>
<ie:param name="DBUSER"data="jdm"/>
<ie:param name="PASSWD"data="jdm"/>
<ie:param name="WHERE"data="ENAME='SMITH'"/>
<ie:param name="GROUP_OUT"data="dbOut2"/>

<ie:webject name="Query-Objects" type="OBJ">
<ie:param name="INSTANCE"data="jdbcAdapter"/>
<ie:param name="CLASS"data="EMP"/>
<ie:param name="DBUSER"data="jdm"/>
<ie:param name="PASSWD"data="jdm"/>
<ie:param name="WHERE"data="ENAME='SMITH'"/>
<ie:param name="GROUP_OUT"data="dbOut3"/>



<ie:webject name="Create-Group" type="GRP">
<ie:param name="ELEMENT"data="SUCCESS=success"/>
<ie:param name="DELIMITER"data=":"/>
<ie:param name="GROUP_OUT"data="success"/>

<ie:webject name="Object-XML" type="DSP"/>



<ie:webject name="Create-Group" type="GRP">
<ie:param name="ELEMENT"data="FAILURE=failure"/>
<ie:param name="DELIMITER"data=":"/>
<ie:param name="GROUP_OUT"data="failure"/>

<ie:webject name="Object-XML" type="DSP"/>


For the details on the custom tags used, see the tag descriptions in the Info*Engine Custom Tag Reference.
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