Viewing the Information Page of the Part Request
To access the information page for the part request object, do one of the following:
If you are the PR Creator or you are assigned a part request task, select Home > My Tasks, and click a link to the part request under the Subject column in the My Tasks table.
You can search for a part request by specifying Part Request as the object type to search for. Open the information page for the part request from the search results.
In addition, you can generate the My Part Requests Report or the Active Part Requests Report. From these reports you can find information on the part request you are looking for, and then you can search for it. To access these reports, go to the Home page, and customize the view to show the Reports table.
Information pages contain a list of applicable actions in a menu just below the object identification line. The availability of these actions depends on the status of the option set, as well as your access to it.
The following actions are of particular interest for this object.
Edit Part Request
Allows you to edit the part request to provide additional information, attach related parts, or attach a resultant part.
Revise Request
Creates a new revision level. For example, revising a part request with the version A.3 creates a new version B.1.
Cancel Request
Sets the state to Canceled and terminate the part request workflow.
Submit Request
Allows you to submit the part request that was previously canceled.
Removes the part request from the system.
The following tabs are viewable on the information page of the new part request. You can customize the tabs that appear on each object information page to display the information most useful to you.
Administrators can modify the tabs that are viewable to you.
Provides the following information on the new part request:
More Attributes – Lists attributes describing the part request.
Attachments – Lists attached documents.
Related Parts – Lists related parts.
Resultant Part – Lists the resultant part that is identified by the new part request.
Provides information on the following:
Team – Shows the Members table, allowing you to manage team membership.
Routing/Process History – Shows information on the routing process history and status, as well as on the assignment history.
Customizable tabs
You can add new tabs and display the desired information by clicking Customize and then selecting from these categories:
General – Allows you to add information on More Attributes, Attributes, and Attachments.
Related Items – Allows you to add Related Parts and Resultant Part tables.
Collaboration – Allows you to add information on Subscriptions and Team.
History – Allows you to add reports on Timeline, Maturity History, Version History, and Routing/Process History.
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