Where to Find Detailed Information
For detailed procedural instructions concerning exporting and importing packages, see the following sections:
• Exporting Packages contains the procedural process of exporting a complete package using a combination of the following:
◦ Updating the wpc_preferences.txt file for package export
◦ Creo Packages commands and arguments
◦ Best practices for performing a package export
◦ Troubleshooting tips for conflicts that you might encounter while exporting a package.
◦ Updating the wpc_preferences.txt file for package export
◦ Creating or updating the recipe file for package export
◦ Creo Packages commands and arguments
◦ Creo Packages recipe files.
• Importing Packages contains the procedural process of importing complete, incremental and synchronization packages using a combination of the following:
◦ Updating the mapping file for package import
◦ Updating the wpc_preferences.txt file for package import
◦ Creo Packages commands and arguments
◦ Best practices for performing import
◦ Troubleshooting tips for conflicts that you might encounter while importing a package