About Reports
A report is the output of a predefined query that is run at a particular time against a set of business information, often using parameters that are entered at the time the report is run. You can use reports for many purposes, including identifying trends, summarizing information about particular objects, identifying objects in certain states, and so on. Reports can be output in multiple output formats, such as PDF, XML, HTML, and CSV.
Within your Windchill solution, you may encounter reports in a number of locations including the following:
The Reports table, available in all application contexts, as well as Organizations , Site , Changes , and Home . For more information, see Reports Table.
The Related Reports list when viewing product structures. For more information, see The Reports Action Set.
The Change Monitor page under Products and Libraries . (Windchill PDMLink only) For more information, see About Change System Reports.
The Report Management utility, available from the Utilities page of any application context, provides the ability to create custom reports within Windchill, using the Query Builder report generation utility. The Query Builder utility is designed to be used by those who have a working knowledge of the Windchill data object model. For more information, see Managing Report Templates. (Context administrators only)
The Auditing Administration utilities, available from Organizations > Utilities and Site > Utilities, offer logs and reports that provide information on system auditing activities, such as license usage, records of which user made what changes to a particular object, and other events. For more information, see About Auditing Administration. (Site and organization administrators only)
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