What’s New > Windchill REST Services > Archives > Release Notes > Summary of Changes for Windchill REST Services 2.6
Summary of Changes for Windchill REST Services 2.6
Changes in Windchill REST Services 2.6 are described in this section.
General Capabilities
The following are the updates:
Introduced the RegulatoryContent navigation property of the Collection(PTC.ContentItem) type for separating regulatory content from the regulatory submission attachments and the TableData navigation property in the EDM of the Regulatory Master domain.
For the foldered entities, filtering on Folder/Location is not supported. In WRS 2.6, an attempt to use $filter=Folder/Location now shows the correct error message, "Location is not a searchable Attribute". In the previous WRS release versions, an attempt to use $filter=Folder/Location does not return the correct result.
Enhancements in the softAttributable capability to change the way multi-valued calculated and alias attributes are handled. These attribute types are now always represented as Collection. The values are directly available on the property, and there is no need to check the instance-based annotation (like PTC.MultipleAliasAttributeValues and PTC.MultipleCalculatedAttributeValues):
Old (softAttributable v4 and earlier)
New (softAttributable v5)
<Property Name="TestAliasDescribe" Type="Edm.String">
<Annotation Term="PTC.ReadOnly"/>
<Property Name="TestAliasDescribe" Type="Collection(Edm.String)">
<Annotation Term="PTC.ReadOnly"/>
Response body
"TestAliasDescribe@PTC.MultipleAliasAttributeValues": "desc document 1|desc document 2",
"TestAliasDescribe": null
"TestAliasDescribe": [
"desc document 1",
"desc document 2"
The domains with entities inheriting that capability are versioned. For more information on the domain details, see Version Changes in Domains for Windchill REST Services 2.6.
A new entity JSON configuration option "wcExcludedAttributes" is added for the entity that inherits SoftAttributable v5+.
The following properties are moved from codebase/com/ptc/odata/core/odata.properties to codebase/com/ptc/odata/windchill/wrs.properties.xconf. These properties are managed using the xconfmanager utility:
A property useCachedJavaScript is added to Windchill/codebase/com/ptc/odata/core/odata.properties and by default it is set to true to improve performance by using cached JavaScript files. When implementing customizations, the property can be set to false for JavaScript changes to take effect.
From WRS 2.6 onwards, you can no longer filter on non-filterable properties in $expand (for example, $expand(UsedBy($filter=ObjectType eq 'Part'))). This behavior is in compliance with the OData specification. If you are using URLs in which non-filterable properties are used as the filter criteria in $expand, then you are advised to change those.
Alias Attributes:
An alias attribute referencing a global attribute created on a master object can be now edited. For example, an alias defined on WTDocument and mapped to masterReference^wt.doc.WTDocumentMaster~theMasterIBA. Earlier they were ReadOnly.
A required constraint on alias attributes of type ObjectReference (for example, roleBObject@wt.maturity.PromotionTarget~roleAObject^wt.maturity.PromotionNotice) is no longer marked as Required and will no longer prevent an object creation. WRS endpoints now work even if no value is passed in the request body. Earlier it was returning an error message.
The Object References properties that have corresponding generated navigation properties of type ObjectReferenceable, now support multiple values.
Required constraints for attributes:
If a persistent attribute has a “Required” constraint, a value must be provided by the client during object creation.
If a persistent attribute has both “Required” and “Immutable” constraints, then the attribute has a PTC.ReadOnly annotation in the metadata and the value cannot be modified. The object creation succeeds without passing a value.
A new Boolean JSON configuration element is introduced for the isReadOnlyAction action. It flags the actions that are read-only. If this element is not specified, then the default will be false as the OData spec assumes that actions may have side effects. When this flag is set, the framework treats the request similar to a GET request. This typically improves performance for read-only actions in the CADDocumentMgmt, EffectivityMgmt, and ProdPlatformMgmt domains.
WRS Supported API Change Report
You can use the Changes to OData REST APIs report to compare and view the changes between WRS 2.5 and the latest WRS 2.6 release.
For more information, see the WRS Supported API Change Report topic in the “Windchill REST Services 2.6 Help Center” available on the Windchill Help Centers page.
Domain Dependencies Report
Introduced a new tool WRS Domain Dependency Browser that shows a graphical representation of the dependencies between domains. It is used for both the custom domains and PTC domains. This tool has three modes: All dependencies, Cycles without conflicts, and Cycles with conflicts. For more information, see Domain Dependencies Report.
Updates to the BOM Transformation Domain
The following is the update to the BOM Transformation domain:
Enhanced the DetectDiscrepancies, ResolveDiscrepancies, and DetectAndResolveDiscrepancies APIs to detect and resolve discrepancies of the Association Discrepancy criterion available in Windchill.
Updates to the CAD Document Management Domain
The following are the updates to the CAD Document Management domain:
Starting with Windchill REST Services 2.6, the API versions 1, 2, and 3 of the domain are deprecated and will be removed in a future release of Windchill REST Services.
Ability to retrieve the following lists depending on the ShowSingleLevelReport flag specified as false or true, respectively:
A consolidated flat list of leaf node components and their total quantity within an entire CAD document structure (multi-level components list).
A consolidated flat list of components and their total quantity directly used by a given CAD document structure (single-level consolidated BOM).
Correction to the Change Management Domain
The following is the correction to the Change Management domain:
The POST /ChangeTasks API does not support adding resulting objects when creating a change task for an existing change notice.
Updates to the Change Management Domain
The following are the updates to the Change Management domain:
Starting with Windchill REST Services 2.6, the API versions 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, and their endpoints are deprecated and will be removed in a future release of Windchill REST Services.
The CreateChangeNoticeHierarchy action is deprecated and will be removed in a future release of Windchill REST Services.
The RemoteChangeItems entity set is removed from the domain in version 7, that is, v7.
The navigation property type for ChangeAdministratorI and ChangeAdministratorII on the ChangeNotice, ChangeRequest, ProblemReport, and Variance entity types is changed from Collection(PTC.PrincipalMgmt.User) to Collection(PTC.PrincipalMgmt.Principal).
The ProcessLinks and ReferenceLinks navigation properties are removed from the ChangeItem entity type.
The ProcessLinks and ReferenceLinks navigation properties are added to the ChangeIssue, ChangeOrder, and GenericChangeRequest entity types.
Updates to the PTC Common Domain
The following are the updates to the PTC Common domain:
The dependency between PTC Common domain and Principal domain is removed.
PTC Common Domain v4 no longer imports the PrincipalMgmt domain. This is to avoid cyclic dependencies.
A new light-weight entity UserRef has been created to represent WTUser in the Creator and Modifier navigations for ContentItem. The URI to the full entity representation is available when the Accept header contains odata.metadata=full.
Updates to the Data Administration Domain
The following is the update to the Data Administration domain:
Starting with Windchill REST Services 2.6, the API versions 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 of the domain are deprecated and will be removed in a future release of Windchill REST Services.
Updates to the Effectivity Management Domain
The following is the update to the Effectivity Management domain:
Starting with Windchill REST Services 2.6, the API versions 1, 2, and 3 of the domain are deprecated and will be removed in a future release of Windchill REST Services.
Updates to the Manufacturing Process Management Domain
The following are the updates to the Manufacturing Process Management domain:
Ability to automatically allocate common parts to an existing process plan from an assembly based on the previous allocations of the same parts from other related assemblies of the process plan.
Updates to the Navigation Criteria Domain
The following is the update to the Navigation Criteria domain:
The request header PTC.includeHiddenFilter is replaced with PTC-IncludeHiddenFilter to show hidden filters of the navigation criteria.
Updates to the Product Management Domain
The following are the updates to the Product Management domain:
Starting with Windchill REST Services 2.6, the API versions 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 of the domain are deprecated and will be removed in a future release of Windchill REST Services.
Ability to retrieve the following lists depending on the ShowSingleLevelReport flag specified as false or true, respectively:
A consolidated flat list of leaf node components and their total quantity within an entire part structure (multi-level components list).
A consolidated flat list of components and their total quantity directly used by a given part structure (single-level consolidated BOM).
The GetPartsList action is deprecated and will be removed in a future release of Windchill REST Services. PTC recommends that you use the GetMultiLevelComponentsReport action instead.
Updates to the Product Platform Management Domain
The following is the update to the Product Platform Management domain:
Starting with Windchill REST Services 2.6, the API versions 1, 2, and 3 of the domain are deprecated and will be removed in a future release of Windchill REST Services.
Updates to the Regulatory Master Domain
The following are the updates to the Regulatory Master domain:
Starting with Windchill REST Services 2.6,
The API versions 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, and their endpoints are deprecated and will be removed in a future release of Windchill REST Services.
The API version 6 is the new default version of the Regulatory Master domain.
PTC recommends that you use the default version v6 in the API requests.
SubmittedTo is a “required” attribute while creating non-revisable or revisable regulatory submissions.
Ability to capture the regulatory content for an existing non-revisable or revisable regulatory submission.
Ability to retrieve the regulatory content for an existing non-revisable or revisable regulatory submission.
Ability to delete the existing regulatory content associated with a non-revisable or revisable regulatory submission.
Ability to update the attributes of regulatory content for an existing non-revisable or revisable regulatory submission.
Ability to create a non-revisable or revisable regulatory submission with one or more table data objects associated with it.
Ability to create table-data details for an existing non-revisable or revisable regulatory submission.
Ability to retrieve the table data associated with a non-revisable or revisable regulatory submission.
Ability to update table-data details for an existing non-revisable or revisable regulatory submission.
Ability to check in, check out, undo checkout, or revise a revisable regulatory submission with the associated regulatory content, so that the regulatory content defined on the previous version is carried forward to the new iteration or revision.
Ability to create a follow-up for an existing non-revisable regulatory submission in the “Completed” state, so that the regulatory content defined on the previous version is carried forward to the new follow-up version.
Updates to the Supplier Management Domain
The following is the update to the Supplier Management domain:
Ability to retrieve the list of existing suppliers in Windchill along with the information about the organization of each supplier including their organization ID.
Updates to the Visualization Domain
The following is the update to the Visualization domain:
Added the GetWVSFeatures() function to retrieve the list of Windchill Visualization Services (WVS) features supported from Windchill onwards.
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