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HTTP/2 Support for Windchill VM Deployment
Starting with Windchill, you have the option to configure HTTP/2. Manual steps are required to configure HTTP/2. Before enabling HTTP/2, ensure that network security considerations are in place to support it, such as WAF configurations. It is recommended that you check with your network security team regarding any specific security requirements or concerns prior to configuring HTTP/2.
To learn how to protect Windchill against a potential Denial of Service (DoS) attack, see point 14 of the topic Best Practices for Securing Your Windchill Solution.
HTTP/1.1 will continue to be available for Windchill as the default method. HTTP/2 is still growing and building its maturity across browsers and clients. Therefore, if the HTTP/2 communication fails post configuration in Windchill, it automatically falls back to the default HTTP/1.1.
Configuring HTTP/2 is provided to enhance Windchill performance. However, results may vary depending on the client and workload.
Related Information
For more information, see HTTP/2 Configuration for Windchill.
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