Windchill PSI Log Analyzer Utility
Windchill provides Log Analyzer utility that generates a failure analysis file in case of PSI failure.
Java version supported by Windchill, installed on your machine
Property file location is required to run the utility
<Installation Location>/PSI/installer/
<Installation Location>\PSI\installer\
Running the utility on PSI failure
The utility is triggered only when failure is encountered during PSI installation. No manual intervention is required to run the utility. An analysis report for <Installation_Location> artifacts is generated in text file format and is located at <Installation_Location>. The report contains basic information about the operating system, Java version, Windchill version, sub installer chosen, and exception/ fatal error in the logs. The name of the report file is “logsToAnalyze” and is appended with a timestamp. The extension of the file is “.log”, for example: logsToAnalyze20230328_110245.233.log. An example of the file path is given below:
Log Analysis in various failure scenarios
If the PSI fails before the loadpoint is created for the fresh installation, a new folder LogAnalysis is created at %temp% location seen in the example below. Here, %temp% is the default temp directory for Windows and Linux platforms.

If the installation in update mode fails when the loadpoint is available but the failure is prior to checking the loadpoint, a new folder LogAnalysis is created at temp location. The latest logs are present in temp location as seen in example below. The logAnalysis.log is available as mentioned above.
For the same scenario, to run Log Analyser in standalone mode if the PSI fails in update mode , when loadpoint exists, logs from %temp% should be copied to the loadpoint log location as seen in the example below.
If the temp directory for Windows or Linux platform is set to non standard or user defined location, the path forLog and LogAnalysis.log is as below:
<Temp Directory Location>/LogAnalysis/LogAnalysis{Timestamp}.log
Running the Utility in Standalone Mode
If you want to perform log analysis after the installation process is complete, use the following commands to run the utility:
For Windows:
For Linux:
The artifacts report for installation directory is available as a zip file. This zip file contains artifacts like log files, registry files, and summary file collected from the installation location and used for generating log analysis report. For example:
A log analysis report is not generated in the following cases:
After patch installation.
When there is a failure before first sub installation is triggered, that is when you hit the cancel button in the PSI panel before the actual installation process is started.
If any error or exception is handled in code and PSI is not terminated in that case this report will not generated.
If an error such as termination of Java process occurs, the log analysis utility does not execute.
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