Each ESIGroupInfo object contains a HashMap of Strings representing object types as keys and the corresponding ESIMapInfo objects as values. The ESIMapInfo object manages the relationship between the Info*Engine Group and the ESIMap that is used to format the contents of the Group.
An ESIMapInfo object is created based on the contents of the relevant MapInformation element that is read in from the ESI response meta information file.
The object has the following attributes:
mapFileName : String
Given an ESIMapInfo object, the relevant ESIMap object may be fetched from the maps Hashtable of the ESIMapManager instance, using the value of this attribute as the key.
This attribute holds the value of the XML attribute id of a Map element that is read from the ESI response meta information file.
elementMetaName : String
When mapping the object, a meta item named com.infoengine.xml.esi is to be created for the output I*E Element and assigned the value of this attribute. This causes the I*E SOAP servlet to render the output XML element with a name equal to the value of this attribute.
keyAttributes : String[]
The names of the key attributes used to filter out duplicates. If null, the elements are not filtered.
typedef : String
Holds a String that represents the object type. For e.g., the ESIMapInfo object for a WTPart may hold wt.part.WTPart for this attribute.
The attributes mapFileName, elementMetaName, keyAttributes and typedef of the object are populated based on the contents of the XML elements mapRef, elementMetaName, keyAttribute and typedef respectively of the ESI response meta information file.
These attributes of the class have public getter methods. Addition public methods of the class:
ESIMapInfo(mapFileName : String, elementMetaName : String, keyAttributes : String[])
Only constructor for the object, ensures that the object is initialized properly.
getMap() : ESIMap
Returns the ESIMap identified by the value of the mapFileName attribute.
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