Several Windchill ESI services RPC responses are Info*Engine virtual database objects. The VDB objects are composed of Info*Engine group objects. ESIGroupInfo objects define characteristics of the group. The attributes are:
isUnchanged : boolean
If set to true, this group would be considered to hold only unchanged data. The value of the attribute helps ESI services determine whether or not the generated ESI response has only unchanged data.
logicalName : String
The logical name to be used by the clients of this object when obtaining the object from the Group Information Manager.
physicalName : String
The name to give the Info*Engine group this object describes. It is this name that will appear in the ESI response message for a given group.
releaseActivityNeeded : boolean
If the value is true, pending Release Activity objects are created when the group's contents are processed by the VDB builder. The existence of the Release Activity objects prevents Windchill ESI services from attempting multiple concurrent attempts to publish the same object.
releaseClass : String
The value to assign to the release Class attribute of each of the Release Activity objects that are created when the group’s contents are processed.
mapInfos : HashMap<String, ESIMapInfo>
A HashMap of Strings representing object types as keys and the corresponding ESIMapInfo objects as values.
These attributes of the class have public getter methods. Additional public methods of the class:
ESIGroupInfo(logicalName : String, physicalName : String, mapInfo : ESIMapInfo, isReleaseActivityNeeded : boolean, releaseClass : String)
This constructor is currently not used.
ESIGroupInfo(logicalName : String, physicalName : String, mapInfos : HashMap<String, ESIMapInfo>, isReleaseActivityNeeded : boolean, releaseClass : String)
Creates a new ESIGroupInfo instance, setting the attributes to the input values.
getMapInfo(typedef : String) : ESIMapInfo
Returns the ESIMapInfo object corresponding to the input object type. Fetches the required output from the HashMap in mapInfos.
getMapSourceAttributes() : Collection
This method is currently not used.
getMapSourceAttributes(typedef : String) : Collection
Returns a collection of Strings that represent the names of source attributes for the input object type.
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