Customization Points
Extendable classes
If classes used by the Windchill ESI renderers described in the Publishing Documents section of this document are extended, the extensions must be defined in certain Windchill ESI preferences or the ESI service properties file as may be appropriate.
Following are classes that are typically defined in Windchill ESI preferences:
Preference name: Document Class
Default value: wt.doc.WTDocument
Preference name: Part Document Describe Link Class
Default value: wt.part.WTPartDescribeLink
Preference name: Part Document Reference Link Class
Default value: wt.part.WTPartReferenceLink
Preference name: CAD Document Build History Class
Default value:
Preference name: CAD Document Class
Default value: wt.epm.EPMDocument
Preference name: Part CAD Document Describe Link Class
Default value: wt.epm.structure.EPMDescribeLink
Defines the fully qualified name of the Java class that represents a described by link that exists between an MPMLink object and a document.
Preference name: Document Describe Link Class
Default value: com.ptc.windchill.mpml.MPMDocumentDescribeLink
Defines the fully qualified name of the Java class that represents a references link that exists between an MPMLink object and a document.
Preference name: Document Reference Link Class
Default value: com.ptc.windchill.mpml.MPMDocumentReferenceLink
Defines the fully qualified name of the Java class that represents a described by link that exists between an MPMLink object and an EPMdocument.
Preference name: CAD Document Describe Link Class
Default value: com.ptc.windchill.mpml.MPMEPMDocumentDescribeLink
Specifies the fully qualified name of the Java class that ESI services should use for navigating a CAD document structure.
Preference name: CAD Document Tree Navigator
Default value: com.ptc.windchill.esi.treenavigation.TreeNavigatorImpl
The following renderer classes are typically defined in the ESI service properties file:
Service Property name: com.ptc.windchill.esi.rnd.ESIRenderer
Default values of attributes of the <Option> element:
Service Property name: com.ptc.windchill.esi.rnd.ESIRenderer
Default values of attributes of the <Option> element:
Service Property name: com.ptc.windchill.esi.rnd.ESIRenderer
Default values of attributes of the <Option> element:
Service Property name: com.ptc.windchill.esi.treenavigation.TreeNavigationRequestBuilder
Default values of attributes of the <Option> element:
selector=" WCTYPE|wt.epm.EPMDocument"
All of the above classes are designed to permit extensions by customizers.
Configurable Options
The following Windchill ESI preferences provide configurable options for Windchill ESI document renderer support:
Define the name of the Info*Engine task to execute when obtaining document information from the Windchill Adapter
Preference name: Query Document Task
Default value: com/ptc/windchill/esi/QueryObject.xml
Define whether or not to publish only incremental changes to document associations for parts, process plans, sequences, operations and resources. If set to Yes, ESI services compute incremental changes to document associations, and if set to No, ESI services always send the associations as added ones.
Preference name: Publish Only Incremental Changes to Document Associations
Default value: Yes
Determines whether or not ESI services send associated reference documents information in the ESI response. This preference assumes significance only when the relevant distribution target attribute pertaining to documents, is turned on (for example, when the distribution target attribute ESIPart_DocumentFlag is set to Yes when publishing a part).
This preference has no effect when publishing standalone documents.
Preference name: Publish Reference Documents
Default value: Yes
Defines the life cycle state value in the form of a comma-separated list.Publication of a WTDocument is triggered when its lifecycle state changes to any of the values specified for the preference. This happens only if the preference Launch ESI Workflow Automatically is set to Yes and the document is not associated with an implemented Change Notice.
Preference name: Lifecycle States Triggering Publication of a Document
Default value: RELEASED
Defines the life cycle state value in the form of a comma-separated list. Publication of a CAD Document is triggered when its lifecycle state changes to any of the values specified for the preference. This happens only if the preference Launch ESI Workflow Automatically is set to Yes and the CAD document is not associated with an implemented Change Notice.
Preference name: Lifecycle States Triggering Publication of a CAD Document
Default value: RELEASED
There are a few configurable attributes on the distribution target that impact the contents of the ESI response message when publishing a CAD document structure.
Refer to the following sections for the relevant objects, in the topic "Distribution Target Attributes" in the Windchill Help Center for more details on publishing documents.
Attributes Pertaining to a Change Notice
Attributes Pertaining to a BOM
Attributes Pertaining to a Part
Attributes Pertaining to a Process Plan
Attributes Pertaining to a Manufacturing Resource
Attributes Pertaining to a CAD Document Structure
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