Customization Points
Extendable classes
Extendable Windchill ESI classes described in the Effectivity Handling section of this document must be defined in Windchill ESI preferences if they are extended. The following class is designed to permit extensions by customizers:
Preference name: Effectivity Handler
Default value: com.ptc.windchill.esi.rnd.ESIEffectivityHandlerImpl
Configurable Options
Windchill ESI preferences control several configurable options for Windchill ESI Effectivity Processing. See section Customization Points for more information.
adjustEffectivities(element: Element, eff: Eff) :
Adds date effectivity information to an element based on the date effectivity of an object as specified. Uses the input effectivity object, fetches start and end date effectivity and adds it to the input element.
adjustDateEffectivities(element: Element, eff: Eff) :
Adds date effectivity information to an element based on the date effectivity of an object as specified. Uses the input effectivity object, fetches start and end date effectivity and adds it to the input element.
adjustSerialNumberEffectivities(element: Element, eff: Eff) :
It fetches the ‘LeftFilledStringEffRange’ instance for passed Eff instance, gets the associated start and end values, and sets the attributes for start and end serial number effectivity in passed I*E element to the fetched start and end values respectively. Also, the attributes are set provided they exist in passed I*E element and are not set to any value at the time of executing the method. It invokes ‘adjustSerialNumberEffCxt()’ to populate the serial number effectivity context part number attribute on the passed I*E element.
adjustLotNumberEffectivities(element: Element, eff: Eff) :
It fetches the ‘LeftFilledStringEffRange’ instance for passed Eff instance, gets the associated start and end lot number effectivities and sets the attributes for start and end lot number effectivity in passed I*E. It invokes ‘adjustSerialNumberEffCxt()’ to populate the lot number effectivity context part number attribute on the passed I*E element.
adjustDateEffCxt(element: Element, eff: Eff) :
Fetches the effectivity context object associated to the passed Eff instance and uses the fetched information to populate the date effectivity context part number attributes on the passed I*E element.
adjustSerialNumberEffCxt(element: Element, eff: Eff) :
Fetches the effectivity context object associated to the passed Eff instance and uses the fetched information to populate the serial number effectivity context part number attributes on the passed I*E element.
adjustLotNumberEffCxt(element: Element, eff: Eff) :
Fetches the effectivity context object associated to the passed Eff instance and uses the fetched information to populate the lot number effectivity context part number attributes on the passed I*E element.
mapEffectivities(element: Element, effList: List<Eff>, grpName: String, targets: Collection<ESITarget>) : Element
Returns the element with effectivity attributes. Invokes ‘mapDateEffectivies()’, ‘mapSerialNumberEffectivities()’ or ‘mapLotNumberEffectivities()’ depending on the type of list of Effs is ‘WTDatedEffectivity’, ‘ProductSerialNumberEffectivity’ or ‘ProductLotNumberEffectivity’ respectively.
mapDateEffectivities(element: Element, eff: Eff, effectivityElement: Element, grpName: String, targets: Collection<ESITarget>) : Element
Returns the element with date effectivity attributes. Fetches start and end date effectivities from input effectivity object and maps it to respective input element attribute. Invokes ‘adjustDateEffCxt()’ to populate date effectivity context object.
mapLotNumberEffectivities(element: Element, lotEff: Eff, effectivityElement: Element, grpName: String, targets: Collection<ESITarget>) : Element
Returns the element with lot number effectivity attributes. Fetches ‘LeftFilledStringEffRange’ instance to get associated start and end lot number effectivities from input effectivity object and maps it to respective input element attribute. Invokes ‘adjustLotNumberEffCxt()’ to populate date effectivity context object.
mapSerialNumberEffectivities(element: Element, eff: Eff, effectivityElement: Element, grpName: String, targets: Collection<ESITarget>) : Element
Returns the element with serial number effectivity attributes. Fetches ‘LeftFilledStringEffRange’ instance to get associated start and end serial number effectivities from input effectivity object and maps it to respective input element attribute. Invokes ‘adjustSerialNumberEffCxt()’ to populate date effectivity context object.
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